Baby Assad’s a Republican

According to Reuters, the Dorktator is a Republican.

(Update: Okay, a lot of people think that (R) means “right”. And it probably does. But it’s still funny.)

Seriously. And since that link will ultimately break, there’s a screenshot.

Click on the picture for a larger version.

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6 Responses to Baby Assad’s a Republican

  1. Jay Tea says:

    You know I got your back pretty much all the time, Meryl, but in this case I think (R) means (R)ight, as in the right side of the photo.

    The only reason I’m giving them the slightest benefit of the doubt is that it’s just too damned stupid and pointless, even for them.


  2. Joel says:

    Yeah it is hard to figure out that Pelosi would be the one on the left and the chinless opthamalogist would be the one on the right.

  3. Yes, Jay, some people think that’s the case, but I’m thinking it’s a bash at Bush.

    In any case, it’s simply too funny to pass up.

  4. The Doctor says:

    I think it’s a bash at Assad…

  5. Cynic says:

    Could the suit could have fooled some into thinking it was the Shadow President?

  6. The Doctor says:

    No, the Shadow President doesn’t sit with visitors, he lurks in the bushes during press conferences…

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