Attention, techies

Okay. This is partly because of my obsessive-compulsive thing and my refusal to simply forward the messages to my gmail account, but I’m trying to get the last few emails that seem unable to resolve the new DNS and are landing in my old hosting service’s mailbox. What I need to do is download these emails and then blow away that mailbox. Or not—the DNS has apparently not fully resolved, if emails are landing there still.

Anyway, normally, I just put “” and port 110 in the server account settings, but obviously I can’t do that as it’s resolved to my new host. So I tried the IP address of the old host, but I’m not quite sure whether or not to add the :2082 to the IP address, or what I need to do in order to download the emails to my Thunderbird account.

Does anyone out there know the answers? Or can you point me to a page on the internet where I can find them?

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3 Responses to Attention, techies

  1. Russ says:

    1. Try your old IP address with port 110

    2. Contact your old provider and ask them…

    What is “2082”? That’s not a normal port number for any mail service I know. I cannot imagine why you would need it.

  2. So I’m an idiot.

    I was using the wrong password the entire time.

    The 2082 is what Cpanel throws on when you check your webmail.

    I didn’t bother with my old provider because they suck, and I wasn’t interested in being told what a moron I am yet again. All this time, they were leading me to believe that my problem was using WP and being a server hog. No, it’s their habit of overloading servers with too many sites that’s causing the server problems.

  3. By the way, don’t use 2082 to hit CPanel.

    Switch to 2083 using https instead of http. It’s secure.

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