But it’s not anti-Semitism, it’s anti-Zionism

Jimmy Carter opens mouth, insults Jews—again.

Carter said the Bush administration and pro-Israel groups such as the American Israel Public Affairs Committee prevent Americans from having a real debate on Middle East policy.

“The American friends of Israel, who demand such subservience, are in many cases sincere and well-intentioned people; I know them,” Carter said. “But on this crucial issue, they are tragically mistaken. Their demands subvert America’s ability to bring to Israel what she most desperately needs and wants — peace and security within recognized borders.”

What did the audience say to this calumny?

Carter received a standing ovation for his 25-minute speech, which did not ignore the controversy surrounding his most recent book.

For a very, very, very long time, I said that America was a safe place for Jews, and would always remain so.

I am beginning to doubt myself on that issue. The constant anti-Jewish remarks by prominent politicians is beginning to worry me.

A lot.

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8 Responses to But it’s not anti-Semitism, it’s anti-Zionism

  1. Jason says:

    And it was a Rabbi who presented Mr. Peanut with the award after his speech. Unbelievable.

  2. Yankev says:

    B’chol dor v’dor.

    They used to claim we murdered their children so as to have an excuse to murder ours. (Hamas, the PLO, Hizbullah et al still do.)

    They used to accuse us of stealing from them and impovershing them, in order to give them an excuse to confiscate and plunder from us, deprive us of the right to work and follow a trade, and impoversh us.

    Today — at least in the UK and the US — they accuse us of trying to silence them, in order to intimidate us into silence.

    Shfach chamascha.

  3. Walter E. Wallis says:

    I want to piss on Carter’s grave. The sooner, the better.
    I used to think Carter was just stupid. Now I am convinced he is consciously evil.

  4. Alex Bensky says:

    I also find it amusing that the people who claim they’re being silenced say so on tv and radio, in the newspapers, their books in all the bookstores, and all over the web.

  5. Bob says:

    Post-Christian America is a bit scary, isn’t it?

  6. Lil Mamzer says:

    Remember the Warsaw Ghetto and Yankel Rosenbaum. Don’t let this happen again in America. Learn the techniques of self-protection while it’s still legal to arm and train yourselves.


  7. Ed Hausman says:

    This happens at Brandeis? I’m so surprised. In 1963 I left Brandeis for the Air Force. Good move. From multicultural to multimegaton.

    If I don’t look out for myself, who will? Why are so many Jews willing to give our slanderers a podium?

    I don’t know that Carter is evil, but I am sure that he is malignant. See “replacement theology” for his own stated reasons why.

  8. David Skarzy says:

    But we must recognize that Crater is entirely wrong. AIPAC does have huge influence and Jews do indeed wield enormous power in Washington. People are noticing, to deny the facts and not see the situation from other perspectives is not the most intelligent way to deal with the issue.

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