Hamas non-moderation watch: Toldja so

Al Zahar

The guy voted most likely to star in the next remake of Planet of the Apes, Mahmoud Al-Zahar, said that Hamas will never, ever, ever recognize Israel. Because it’s against the Koran.

Former PA foreign minister Mahmoud A-Zahar of Hamas said Friday that recognizing Israel’s right to exist contradicts the Koran, Israel Radio reported.

In an interview with a Hamas-affiliated Web site, A-Zahar said that Hamas had not given up on the principle that all of Palestine is Muslim land.

Someone want to please tell me again why Israel needs to negotiate with these terrorists?

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8 Responses to Hamas non-moderation watch: Toldja so

  1. Eric J says:

    Can he tell me where in the Koran it says that?

  2. Robert says:

    They just make it up, the west is just too scared to challenge it.

  3. I agree with Eric J. The only thing I can envision is that the Quran authorized Muslims to take over other lands and convert everyone to Islam, but it does not say anything about being defeated and losing control of land (which is what happened in WWI, and Britain was being generous to give 2/3 of the land of the Palestine Mandate to arabs (TrnasJordan, which became Jordan) and even some of the land west of the Jordan (I think all of that land should have gone to Israel, it is much more defensable than the borders they got)

  4. Eric J says:

    Perhaps someone should build a Wiki (call it the Wikq’ran) where you can add whatever you want to the Koran.

  5. Tatterdemalian says:

    It’s sad that so few people yet realize that nearly all the “offenses” Muslims are seething about are just made up on the spot.

  6. Joel says:

    The guy should be killed on the spot and total war waged on that cancerous entity called the “Palestinian Authority”.

  7. Michael Lonie says:

    Actually there is a verse in the Quran that says Allah allocated the land of Israel to the Jews. This is a translation of the verse Jonah (10th Sura) verse 93 translated by Yusuf Ali foiund at the url listed below. Of course, Muslims insist that any translation is an interpretation not the Word of Allah. Nowadays they insist on the Blood Libel too, so one cannot necessarily rely on their interpretations. For all we know Allah spoke in Hebrew (or Basque for that matter) to Muhammed (who no doubt had the prophetic gift of tongues to understand Him) and he had to put it into Arabic because that was all his listeners could understand.

    “YUSUFALI: We settled the Children of Israel in a beautiful dwelling-place, and provided for them sustenance of the best: it was after knowledge had been granted to them, that they fell into schisms. Verily Allah will judge between them as to the schisms amongst them, on the Day of Judgment.”


    Sounds to me like Allah gave Eretz Israel to the Children of Israel and will not get around to taking it away until judgement day. No wonder Gorilla Boy is so anxious to bring the End of Days about, the Muslims can’t have clear title to what they stole until then.

    Or maybe the Muslims think this is one of those “superceded” verses. That would be oh-so-convenient wouldn’t it?

  8. Alex Bensky says:

    Meryl, Meryl, again you fail to show the proper cultural sensitivity. When Arabs speak in bloodcurdling rejectionist terms to each other it’s just their colorful folkways. What they really mean are the soft words they whisper to western media and diplomats.

    That’s how you know that Saudi Arabia’s true policy towards Israel…excuse me, “the Zionist entity”…is not everything they do but what one of their princes says to Thomas Friedman. After all, who would lie to the New York Times?

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