Got a big fish in Bilin today

A Nobel Prize winner, in fact. Stay in Ireland, Corrigan, because you’re on the wrong side in Bilin. And listen to the description of these peaceful protesters’ actions:

Nobel Peace Prize Mairead Corrigan has been injured during confrontations between security forces and left-wing activists protesting the security fence route near Bilin, activists said.

Corrigan, who won the prize in 1976 for her work in encouraging a peaceful solution to the Northern Ireland dispute, was hit in the leg by a rubber bullet and was transferred to a hospital for treatment. She was also said to have inhaled large quantities of teargas.

Policemen and soldiers used teargas grenades and rubber bullets to disperse the routine Friday protest against the security fence near the Palestinian village of Bilin and were confronted by a hail of stones.

Two Border Guard policemen were lightly injured by stones.

The security forces say the area where activists hold their protest is a no-access military zone which they have to evacuate of Palestinian and Israeli protesters every Friday.

That’s funny. I thought these were peaceful protesters, and yet, every week, they throw stones and hurt Israeli security force personnel.

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3 Responses to Got a big fish in Bilin today

  1. Michael Lonie says:

    Given the decline in the quality of Peace Prize recipients over time I guess it’s appropriate for one of them to side with the genocidal terrorists in this conflict. One must presume she came to this conclusion by rational thinking since we could not possibly conclude that such a person arrived at the decision to side with the genocidal Palestinian Arabs as a result of swallowing lying Arab propaganda and antisemitism, now could we?

  2. chsw says:

    Perhaps these protests would stop if the IDF ceased using rubber bullets.


  3. Ed Hausman says:

    I don’t understand where they all come from. Are they coming back each week, the same “protestors”? They should be arrested on arrival, jailed for a significant period, and if not citizens, deported without the Right of Return.

    They are using deadly force against Israeli citizens (police). This is intolerable.

    My grandmother said, “If you make a face like a doormat, people will walk on you.”

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