How much is that Gracie in the basket?

The one with the scraggly tail
How much is that Gracie in the basket?
I hear that she really can wail.

Gracie in the basket

Because sometimes, you just need to post cat pictures.

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4 Responses to How much is that Gracie in the basket?

  1. Rahel says:

    Can I skritch that Gracie in the basket?
    Can I pet her soft, silky fur?
    Can I skritch that Gracie in the basket
    And hope she’ll grace me with a purr?

  2. John M says:

    My cat likes boxes. Show him any box and he’ll pop right in and start peeking out.

  3. That’s her comfort basket. She started sleeping there when Tig kicked her off the bed. It became her regular sleeping place after she came home from the vet’s, especially after the second operation. She stayed there for nearly a week straight. Only left it to eat and use the litterbox. Now she sleeps in it every night. I probably need to change out the rags in it. They’re covered with fur.

    They really did a job on her, poor thing. But she’s nearly back to normal. Even her belly fur is finally starting to grow back.

  4. If that were a basket of dirty laundry, the title of the post might come from Phoebe’s song “Smelly Cat.”

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