Monthly Archives: April 2007

Hamas admits there is no truce, media pretends there was

The faux truce, during which hundreds of rocket attacks, shootings, stabbings, attempted suicide bombings and suicide bombings killed and wounded dozens of Israelis, has been declared “over.” One might ask how a truce, which is defined as a cessation of … Continue reading

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The JIB Awards: Time to vote

Voting is now open at the Jewish and Israeli Blogger awards. There are lots of good people needing votes there. Omri’s been nominated, for instance. I’m up against him in one category. That’s the one I’d rather you didn’t vote … Continue reading

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This one’s for the tough guys

Below is the transcript for my current Shire Network News segment. I don’t think it will be my last thought on this issue. This is Meryl Yourish, and this is On Second Thought, for Shire Network News. This segment is … Continue reading

Posted in Juvenile Scorn, Podcasts | 15 Comments

This week’s podcast

SNN is up, and I have a contribution this week. It’s on the tough guys who talk about what they would have done if they’d been in Norris Hall last Monday at Virginia Tech. In other blogs, Mac Thomason has … Continue reading

Posted in Linkfests, Podcasts | 1 Comment

Monday catblogging

Sorry, just not up for any more serious stuff today. So I’ll put up cat pictures instead. Gracie was extremely annoying this morning, demanding a ton of attention. I finally realized why she was standing near the sofa and yowling. … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | 3 Comments

From 9-10 p.m., my world stops

Heroes is back tonight. Anyone trying to contact me between the hours of 9 and 10 p.m. will be unable to get my attention. I will not be answering the phone. The computer will be shut down. All knocks at … Continue reading

Posted in Television | 6 Comments

Random nasal passage

I have an appointment with an allergist on Thursday to determine exactly which parts of Virginia I am allergic to. One result of the appointment is that I may not take any allergy medicine or antihistamines or pseudofed, starting today. … Continue reading

Posted in Meanderings | 9 Comments

Media bias, triumphant

So do you remember that red-on-red fighting in the terrortories that killed dozens and wounded hundreds? Or was it killed hundreds and wounded thousands? I forget. Remember how hard it was to find the kind of media blitz that you … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Hamas, Israel | Comments Off on Media bias, triumphant

Now we are six

Today is my sixth blogiversary. What have six years of blogging brought me? Friends from all over the country and the world Words of encouragement A million and one jokes Veterinary advice Post and podcast ideas Job possibilities Actual jobs … Continue reading

Posted in Bloggers, Site news | 15 Comments

It’s a good thing I’m Jewish

First, I find this headline in the JPost: Pope revises Vatican stance on ‘limbo’ And of course, it’s not about the Jamaican dance with the pole, which I’m sure you were all wondering. (If that were the case, the headline … Continue reading

Posted in Humor, Religion | 7 Comments

Another step forward in consumer education

Just a few weeks ago the media (and we too) has reported on a new remedy for poor service – the suicide bomber belt. It seems that the lesson was learned fairly quickly in some consumer circles. And here we … Continue reading

Posted in Juvenile Scorn, Terrorism | Comments Off on Another step forward in consumer education

Lazy Saturday

You see this thing that Tig is lying on? I call it his kitty condo. I spent quite a lot of money for it some years ago, buying it from a specialty pet shop in Montclair that no longer exists. … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | 7 Comments

When good feet go bad

You know what I hate? I know how to walk. I’ve been doing it since I was practically a baby. So howcome every so often, I walk down a step and my foot turns sideways and I nearly break my … Continue reading

Posted in Life | 5 Comments

Got a big fish in Bilin today

A Nobel Prize winner, in fact. Stay in Ireland, Corrigan, because you’re on the wrong side in Bilin. And listen to the description of these peaceful protesters’ actions: Nobel Peace Prize Mairead Corrigan has been injured during confrontations between security … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 3 Comments

Hamas non-moderation watch: Toldja so

The guy voted most likely to star in the next remake of Planet of the Apes, Mahmoud Al-Zahar, said that Hamas will never, ever, ever recognize Israel. Because it’s against the Koran. Former PA foreign minister Mahmoud A-Zahar of Hamas … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas | 8 Comments