Monthly Archives: April 2007

If it’s Friday, this must be Bilin

It’s Friday. “Peace” protesters are attacking the IDF. Two border policemen were lightly wounded on Friday after left-wing protesters pelted them with stones in the West Bank village of Bil’in, near Ramallah. Some 200 Palestinians, Israelis and foreigners were gathered … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 3 Comments


It is time to name Gaza what it really is: Another lost strip of land filled with terrorists and criminals that are running the show, paying lip service to actually being governed—in part, because those “governing” Gaza are also, for … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Media | 2 Comments

Jimmy Carter: Open mouth, blame Israel

Now Carter is telling Americans to have a litmus test for presidential candidates. Of course, it concerns the “Israel lobby.” As long as American politicians are seen as “knee-jerk supporters” of Israel, the country’s role as the principal Mideast peace … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism | 3 Comments

So who is next?

The boycott of Israeli goods decided upon by the British National Union of Journalists (NUJ) caused several interesting responses. Of course, being the Guardian’s fan of long standing, I cannot hide my astonishment by the extraordinary act of the Guardian’s … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Media Bias | 2 Comments

Abdullah to Israel: Destroy Israel for peace

Yet another call by yet another Arab leader for Israel to comply with the 2002 Saudi Initiative, which calls for the return of all Palestinian refugees to Israel. One-word answer: Shyeah. Jordan’s King Abdullah on Thursday called on Israel to … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 2 Comments

Tony Greenstein in three easy steps

A while ago there was some brouhaha on the ENGAGE site, caused by the rash (we think) decision of the team to provide space for Tony Greenstein’s rebuttal of an excellent article by David Hirsh. David wrote about the pitiful … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Israel | 2 Comments

Christians murdered by Muslims worldwide…

and yet, the world blames Israel for the disappearance of Christians from the Middle East. Not the Muslims forcing the Christians out of Lebanon for the third decade. Not the Muslims murdering Christians in Gaza and the West Bank. Not … Continue reading

Posted in Religion | 2 Comments

Irish stew with some matzo balls

The story about the recommendation on boycott of Israeli artists issued by Aosdana, Ireland’s state-sponsored academy of creative artists, did not make a lot of waves in the media. Probably because it is not remarkable enough. JP says: Aosdana, Ireland’s … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome | 4 Comments

JIB Awards

If you have a suggestion for best post, or best series of posts, from the last year, best make them now. Nominations close Thursday night. That’s tonight.

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Back safe, sound, and tired

I almost forgot to remind you: Do you all know what day today is? Listen my children and you shall hear Of the midnight ride of Paul Revere, On the eighteenth of April, in Seventy-five; Hardly a man is now … Continue reading

Posted in Holidays | 1 Comment

Posting may be light

Driving up to northern VA today for a meeting or two. Back to Richmond sometime in the evening, possibly stopping first at a store where I can buy some of that tasty kosher meat. Posting will probably be light today.

Posted in Site news | 1 Comment

Liviu Librescu: His story throughout the day

Liviu Librescu was a Romanian Jew who survived the Holocaust, emigrated from Romania to Israel over the objections of the Communists, came to America to teach engineering, and gave his life saving his students from the crazed gunman yesterday. I … Continue reading

Posted in Holocaust, Media Bias | 24 Comments

Iranian spies: It’s a two-way street

Iran accuses its Jewish community of spying for Israel whenever it feels like threatening its remaining few thousand Jews. Apparently, Iran actually is recruiting Iranian Jews who emigrated to Israel but who return to visit relatives. And by “recruiting” I … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel | 1 Comment

Syrians to Israel: Give us peace, or we’ll kill you

Good to know that Nancy Pelosi’s trip to Damascus accomplished something, hey? Yeah, that “road to peace runs through Damascus” bull really works. “If Israel rejects the Arab League peace proposal, resistance will be the only way to liberate the … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Syria | 4 Comments

Out sick

Woke up with a migraine, which morphed into a headache and some kind of bug that I’ve apparently had since yesterday. Spent much of the day sleeping. Going to go back and do that some more. In the meantime, I … Continue reading

Posted in Life | 1 Comment