Monthly Archives: April 2007

Send your prayers to the Tech relatives

The shooting at Virginia Tech is simply horrible. The college paper is saying that the storm prevented medivac choppers from helping transport the wounded. They’re saying the death toll is up to 32, and may rise. This is terrible. My … Continue reading

Posted in Miscellaneous, Terrorism | 4 Comments

The war against Jews

Let’s start calling it what it is: A war is being fought against Jews, and it is carried out mostly by Muslims. As a result of this war, worldwide attacks on Jews are up sharply. It’s such big news, Ha’aretz … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism | 4 Comments

Yom HaShoah

The Vatican reversed its decision and is sending a representative to today’s memorial services in Israel. Ynet has published a page of photographs of unidentified Polish Jews, most of whom are probably victims of the Nazis. Story here. Photos here. … Continue reading

Posted in Holocaust | 4 Comments

Okay, this is funny

I’d forgotten that I can be very, very funny sometimes. I need to get back into this habit. Don’t think this will go anywhere in the JIBs, though. I didn’t see a category for cats.

Posted in Blasts from the past, Humor | 1 Comment

The JIB Awards

If nominated, I will not run. If elected, I will not serve. Okay, I’m probably withdrawing my blog nomination, but that doesn’t mean you all shouldn’t check out the Jewish & Israeli Blog Awards. Omri was nominated, and he’s so … Continue reading

Posted in Bloggers | 2 Comments

British journalists stop even trying to pretend they’re impartial

The British National Union of Journalists has voted to boycott Israeli goods. The National Union of Journalists has voted at its annual meeting for a boycott of Israeli goods as part of a protest against last year’s war in Lebanon. … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Israel, Media Bias | 7 Comments


Tig: Regal. Tig: Really regal. Tig: Kneel before Tig.

Posted in Cats | 5 Comments

Friday funny

If you don’t watch The Daily Show, you probably haven’t seen this incredibly funny interview with Israeli Ambassador to the UN, Dan Gillerman. Put down your drinks, ladies and gents. You have been warned. Via Omri, who can’t just enjoy … Continue reading

Posted in Humor, Israel | 5 Comments

Hamas admits they kidnapped Shalit for prisoner exchange; world yawns

So it comes to this: Hamas can blatantly admit that it kidnapped Gilad Shalit in order to force Israel to release Palestinian prisoners from jail, and nobody so much as raises an eyebrow—and fully expects Israel to deal with Hamas … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas | 4 Comments

Batsh*t crazy, part the next

Yes, we now call it Israeli Derangement Syndrome. Because when it comes to all things Israeli, a large part of the world is batshit crazy. Especially the Arab/Muslim part of the world. The newest batshit crazy rumor? That Israeli melons … Continue reading

Posted in Israel Derangement Syndrome | 7 Comments

NJ Governor in critical condition

NJ Governor Jon Corzine was on his way to mediate a meeting between the Rutgers Women’s Basketball team and Don Imus, bigot shock jock (yeah, we knew he was a bigot for years, but his remarks against Jews don’t raise … Continue reading

Posted in Miscellaneous | 3 Comments

The Prestige

One of the things I like so much about the new Heroes TV show is that the writers are constantly surprising me. But they’re doing it in the right way, not the cheap way that Lost keeps pulling—by leading you … Continue reading

Posted in Movies | 5 Comments

Kurt Vonnegut: Poo-tee tweet.

There’s a post I never published, written after Kurt Vonnegut’s remarks in praise of suicide bombers. I never published it because I never quite finished it, and I never quite finished it because I couldn’t stand that the man I’d … Continue reading

Posted in The Catmage Chronicles | 3 Comments

Arrest Warrant Issued in Wisconsin

This post was originally published on June 18, 2005. RICHMOND, VIRGINIA—An arrest warrant was issued in Wisconsin for the murder of a bluejay by Tigger Yourish of Richmond, Virginia. Following the highly unsuccessful attempt to allow hunting of feral cats, … Continue reading

Posted in Blasts from the past, Cats | 6 Comments

The EU grows a spine

Miracle of miracles, the EU has decided that Hamas isn’t fooling anyone. EU Says No to Aiding Palestinian Unity Government New Palestinian Finance Minister Salam Fayyad has failed to convince the European Union to agree to resume aid to the … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, palestinian politics | 3 Comments