Monthly Archives: April 2007

Vatican shuns Yad Vashem for telling the truth about Pius XII

Apparently, the Vatican is unable to face the fact that Pius XII didn’t do squat to stop the murder of six million Jews, and its representative is boycotting the memorial at Yad Vashem for the Holocaust Day observances. Vatican ambassador … Continue reading

Posted in Religion | 4 Comments

Fighting the anti-Semites, one post at a time

Because Ami Isseroff asked for it: Jew Jew Hate! It’s to reclaim the word “Jew” from the haters. Pass it on. The more of us link these two pages, the higher they will go in Google rankings.

Posted in Anti-Semitism | 1 Comment

I’m gonna eat some worms caterpillars

Why was Sarah late picking me up yesterday? Because she was busy vaccuuming her tree. Why, yes, I’m serious. It’s Sarah’s eco-friendly solution to the tent caterpillar problem in her yard. She’s hesitant to use pesticides for many reasons: Four … Continue reading

Posted in Bloggers, Bugs | 5 Comments


Lair reminded me that today is 4/11. He says to ask him any question. I think I’ll take questions from the audience, too.

Posted in Meanderings | 5 Comments

But it’s not anti-Semitism, it’s anti-Zionism

Jimmy Carter opens mouth, insults Jews—again. Carter said the Bush administration and pro-Israel groups such as the American Israel Public Affairs Committee prevent Americans from having a real debate on Middle East policy. “The American friends of Israel, who demand … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism | 8 Comments


Hizbullah says: We’re going to attack Israel because America is making us do it. Hizbullah has not ruled out another confrontation with Israel this summer and is rearming, according to a report by the Guardian, Wednesday. “We are prepared for … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | Comments Off on Briefly

The Hamas moderation line, fisked

One has to wonder if the headline writer could keep a straight face writing this one: Hamas’ Moderation Claims Meet Skepticism Gee. Ya think? Of course, this article didn’t get nearly as wide an audience as the story of an … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel | 2 Comments

Hey, it wasn’t Mr. and Mrs. Jesus, after all

Is anyone surprised by this news? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Several prominent scholars who were interviewed in a bitterly contested documentary that suggests that Jesus and his family members were buried in a nondescript ancient Jerusalem burial cave have now revised … Continue reading

Posted in Religion | 5 Comments

Hamas, unchanged, unchanging, ever anti-Israel

The AFP has the balls to publish what the AP and Reuters usually downplay. RAMALLAH, West Bank (AFP) – Hamas’s exiled leader Khaled Meshaal vowed Friday that his organisation would continue to resist Israel and would not compromise its claims … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel | 2 Comments

Saudi ERA Watch, part two

Hey, girls. Are you from Saudi Arabia? Do you want to get a scholarship to study abroad? No problem! But first, you have to have a male companion to go with you, since you’re leaving one of the most female-unfriendly … Continue reading

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Saudi ERA watch

It’s as plain as the nose on your face: Women don’t like men having multiple wives. And you know, it just doesn’t really work all that well, either. For the women, anyway. RIYADH – A Saudi man lost part of … Continue reading

Posted in Feminism, Religion | Comments Off on Saudi ERA watch

24 question

So, I have a question about 24. If you haven’t seen last night’s episode, and don’t want to be spoiled, well, too late. How is it the Chinese guy knew exactly, to the second,7340,L-3386040,00.html, when Jack would be done playing … Continue reading

Posted in Television | Comments Off on 24 question

The deal for Shalit

As usual, it’s a take-it-or-leave-it threat from Hamas. As usual, mass murderers of Jews are on the list of prisoners that the terrorists want released. As usual, there is a great fear in Israel that the Prime Minister will comply. … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel | 7 Comments

A tale of two bomb plots

First, the bomb plot according to the Israeli media: ccording to the details released by the security service, the driver, a suicide bomber, had managed to cross into Israel in a vehicle laden with about 100 kilograms of explosives. However, … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Israel | Comments Off on A tale of two bomb plots

Hamas: Unchanged murderers

I really don’t understand why Ynet says that the IDF prevented this suicide car bomb attack from happening when it’s clear that it was divine intervention, but at least there was no Passover Massacre this year: A major suicide attack … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel, Terrorism | 1 Comment