Monthly Archives: April 2007

Attention, techies

Okay. This is partly because of my obsessive-compulsive thing and my refusal to simply forward the messages to my gmail account, but I’m trying to get the last few emails that seem unable to resolve the new DNS and are … Continue reading

Posted in Site news | 3 Comments

Baby Assad’s a Republican

According to Reuters, the Dorktator is a Republican. (Update: Okay, a lot of people think that (R) means “right”. And it probably does. But it’s still funny.) Seriously. And since that link will ultimately break, there’s a screenshot. Click on … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 6 Comments

And never the twain shall meet

East is east, and west is west, and never the twain shall meet. Via Lair Simon, a Japanese potty training video. Spit-monitor warning. Put down the drinks. Don’t eat the food. Wow. Animated poo. No kidding. I swear. Honest. And … Continue reading

Posted in Humor | 5 Comments

Don’t try this at home, Nancy Pelosi

So, Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker who would be King President, totally blew her little Middle East peacemaking trip. Turns out she couldn’t even pass along a simple message correctly. The Prime Minister’s Office has strongly denied that Israel relayed a … Continue reading

Posted in Politics | 3 Comments

Passover links

First, the funny videos: Manischewitzville, thanks to Janet And then, a two-minute film on the many uses of matzoh. Now, for the newbie, Judaism 101’s page on Passover (known as Pesach in Hebrew). An article on why even unaffiliated Jews … Continue reading

Posted in Holidays | 3 Comments

Red, white, and Gracie

My mother has been visiting since last Thursday, and one of the consequences was that Gracie’s tissue-paper nest was tossed out (it was old, anyway), and there was no replacement for the last week. Until tonight, after Mom left, when … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | 2 Comments

Quid pro quo

Here’s the quid: Iran frees detained British sailors TEHRAN, Iran Apr 4, 2007 (AP)— Iran on Wednesday freed the 15 detained British sailors and marines in what President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called an Easter gift to the British people. Prime Minister … Continue reading

Posted in Iran | 1 Comment

Okay, I’m an idiot

Poor Jay. I swamped him with emails about various directories because he put my WP files in a different directory than they were at the old hosting company, and I put the images directory in the wrong place, then I … Continue reading

Posted in Site news | 4 Comments

The fabulous AP anti-Israel bias

See, here’s what I’m talking about. Here’s the headline: Israeli, Palestinian Shooting Kills 1 And here’s the lede: GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip (AP) – A Palestinian gunman was killed in an exchange of fire with Israeli troops Wednesday in an … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Israel | Comments Off on The fabulous AP anti-Israel bias

Rally for the kidnapped British sailors

Someone in Britain is staging a rally for the kidnapped sailors. Good on them, as the Brits say. I hope a million people show. Location: opposite the Iranian Embassy, 16, Prince’s Gate, South Kensington, SW7 1PT Map here Nearest Tube … Continue reading

Posted in Iran | 4 Comments

Have a little cheese with that whine?

The Palestinians are whining that German Chancellor Angela Merkel “offended” their feelings. All together now: Awwwww. Palestinian Authority officials have accused German Chancellor Angela Merkel of “offending the Palestinians’ feelings” during her visit earlier this week to Ramallah, where she … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 3 Comments

Hey! You can all talk again!

And I can, too. Jay’s fixed everything. He’s such a good guy. Go ahead, comment away with impunity. I’ll even open up comments on the posts I closed them. By the way…. linking to my site now works again, too. … Continue reading

Posted in Site news | Comments Off on Hey! You can all talk again!

A Passover message from Iran

When I get back tonight, we can (hopefully) discuss how many things are wrong with this story from the Iranian news agency site: Iranian Jews Ready to Defend National Interests Tehran, April 1, IRNA The Association of Iranian Jews here … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Religion | 3 Comments

Email’s back

Now you can all tell me that you can’t access my site except for the main page. Oh. Wait. I already knew that. Never mind. Yes, Evil Meryl comes out at the strangest of times. The really cool thing: You … Continue reading

Posted in Evil Meryl | 2 Comments

The Humpty-Dumpty world: Batsh*t crazy, indeed

Remember how I said that Muslims appear to go absolutely batshit crazy when it comes to Israel? I’m tellin’ ya, I’m not wrong. An editorial published Tuesday in the Saudi newspaper Okaz said that Israel persisted in employing any tactic … Continue reading

Posted in Israel Derangement Syndrome | 1 Comment