Monthly Archives: April 2007

Site problems

Okay. I know you can’t do anything except read the main page. I’m working on it. You should consider yourself lucky. Until two minutes ago, I couldn’t read my own front page. Because I was blocked by Bluehost. Because I … Continue reading

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The true apartheid in Israel

Here’s a hint: It isn’t in Israel. It’s in the territories. Jerusalem, Israel (AHN) – Two Palestinians were arrested last week after it was revealed they had sold a house to Israeli Jews living in the area of Hebron in … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Jew Cooties | 1 Comment

A note about comments

The DNS is settling today, and comments will not be ported over once things are all set up at BlueHost. Try not to be so talkative until I let you know everything has moved over. Thanks!

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A Passover prayer

From Treppenwitz, via the OU. Please add it to your seder Monday and Tuesday. May the One Who blessed our ancestors, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Aaron, David and Solomon, bless the kidnapped and captive soldiers, including among them Gilad ben … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Religion | 1 Comment

The death culture

The difference between us and them: We praise as heroes people who save lives. Iran praises the ones who destroy it. This is a sick, sick, sick culture. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad praised his country’s ability to recruit “hundreds of … Continue reading

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Racist, apartheid Israelis save Palestinian baby

Did you know that those racist, apartheid Israelis—the one who are accused of randomly murdering Palestinians for the sheer joy of it—sent a Magen David Adom ambulance to Ramallah to save a baby who had been poisoned? A bullet-proof Israeli … Continue reading

Posted in Israeli Double Standard Time | Comments Off on Racist, apartheid Israelis save Palestinian baby

About that claim of arrogance…

Yeah, Gorilla Boy is at it again. Iran’s hardline president said Saturday that Britain and its allies were “arrogant and selfish” for not apologizing over what he called the incursion of 15 captured British sailors and marines into Iranian waters. … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, World | 5 Comments