To look at the queen

Pussycat, Pussycat, where have you been?
I wasn’t in Richmond to look at the queen.

Pussycat, Pussycat, what did you there?
It’s not worth the effort. Or did you not hear?

Pussycat, Pussycat, but she’s a queen!
We fought a war here to get rid of that sheen.

Pussycat, Pussycat, you’re rather mean
Not nearly as mean as most royals have been.

Pussycat, Pussycat, that is old news.
Oh yeah? Her great-greats are the ones tossed the Jews.

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5 Responses to To look at the queen

  1. russ says:

    I’m pretty sure the current British dynasty (House of Windsor) is not related to the Plantagenets (whose Edward I was the one who expelled Jews from England).

  2. Russ, are you trying to let facts get in the way of a great poem?

    I can’t keep them straight without a scorecard. But she is British. I don’t blame just Edward I. It was a group effort, after all. Church, king, and citizens.

  3. Alex Bensky says:

    I watched some of the Queen’s arrival at the state capitol on CSPAN, and now at least I know why I couldn’t see you in the crowd.

    C’mon, Meryl, give the lady some slack.She’s a dignified lady who does a tough job well, and during World War II she took a real part in the war effort. Her kids turned out to be jerks, but then again…if my mother were alive she might…let’s leave the kids out of this.

    By the way, she is sort of related to the Plantaganets; closer than I am, say, but they’re not first cousins or anything like that.

    Incidentally, I recommend “The Queen” very highly, or at least as highly as I can rate any movie that lacked explosions and gratuitious nudity.

  4. TAF says:

    Church, king, SUBJECTS.

    Were they citizens, the would know that they have (natural) rights, and the country wouldn’t have gotten to be in the mess it is. And they wouldn’t have treated the Jews as they did.

    We should thank the Founders every day for ejecting the Brits.

  5. Good point, TAF. And you can thank the church for that “divine right of kings” bullshit that kept the citizens subjects for longer than they may have otherwise done.

    Feh. I grew up on Mark Twain. I’m with him when he says, in Connecticut Yankee, that a family of cats on the throne would be just as useful.

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