New Heroes thread

This one is to discuss something from the end of the April 23rd episode.

The scene flips between Nathan Petrelli, who is looking at one of Isaac’s paintings hanging on his wall, to Sylar, who is now painting the future. The two paintings are of the same scene, but completely different in most ways. Nathan is standing in the Oval Office, arms folded, in the picture hanging on the wall in his mansion. In Sylar’s picture, Nathan is now a green-faced monster, with long, clawlike fingers, bigger, broader, and, as Lynn pointed out to me, the perspective is all off and is almost a caricature (albeit an evil one) of Isaac’s earlier work.


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8 Responses to New Heroes thread

  1. Sabba Hillel says:

    That sounds like Sylar is showing himself having taken Nathan’s place as was shown in the next episode (five years in the future).

  2. Sabba Hillel says:

    Another point is that the “predictions” are snapshots with no context (like Peter beind “dead” at the homecoming). Thus it can have multiple meanings. If Hiro saves Nathan by killing Sylar, then it could mean Nathan becoming evil and acting in a way similar to the way Sylar acted when he was pretending to be Nathan.

  3. Chris says:

    As far as the distortion of the painting, I think that just shows that the ability to paint the future doesn’t come with the ability to paint. Remember, the first future painting Peter made was stick figures.

  4. Jon says:

    Another painting out of context was the one when it looked like Hiro was fighting a dinosaur, but it was just him running past a fake one in the museum.

    Have any of Isaac’s paintings not actually come “true”? Maybe somehow the bomb (Peter or whoever) goes off, but nothing actually gets destroyed.

  5. But the picture of Hiro and the dinosaur did come true. He wasn’t fighting with it. He was standing in front of it with his sword—which he did.

  6. Jon says:

    Yeah, that’s what I mean by “out of context.” I thought he was going to go back in time and fight a dinosaur but it was just him standing in front of it in the museum, which is what the painting depicted. Maybe the “bomb” is just a big puff of evil-looking smoke that doesn’t destroy anything? Or Sylar exploding in a wave of evil like the Emperor at the end of Return of the Jedi.

  7. The Doctor says:

    The Oracle of Delphi was also notorious for making predictions that came to pass in unexpected and unanticipated ways…it’s a long and honored literary tradition.

  8. I just checked the episode where Parkman found the little girl after Sylar killed her parents. I’m pretty sure Molly is the same girl, and apparently, Sylar can’t sense her.

    I can’t wait for the next three episodes.

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