Heroes thread

Don’t post any spoilers for tonight’s episode (or later ones) in the comments, but have at it with guesses and discussion.

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21 Responses to Heroes thread

  1. Although I do have a question: How many think that the new hero (the little girl) is going to turn out to be the kid who hid from Sylar?

    If it is, Sylar can’t sense her. That’s going to be huge. Makes sense, too. One of her parents was a mutant.

  2. Jon says:

    It’s definitely her. A little detail to reward people like us who have been paying attention all season. Every thing’s coming full circle!

    Do you think Sylar can’t sense her because he didn’t find her in the house?

  3. Not any more, I don’t. I think he couldn’t sense her because her powers didn’t work because she was sick. So she was mortal, and he couldn’t find her in the closet. Although I have no idea who piled the stuff outside the door to keep her hidden.

    They have a lot of ‘splainin’ to do.

    I wonder now if Nathan is going to pull Peter out to the stratosphere in the next episode to stop him from blowing up, because Peter is quite clearly to be seen later that night, watching the Sylar/Hiro (and maybe Sylar/Ted) fight.

    And oh yeah: Mama Petrelli, Black Widow. Brrr. She wants Nathan to let millions of people die? Say it ain’t so. And hand in hand with Linderman. Say, Nathan and Peter, who’s your daddy? It might not be who you think it was.

  4. Jon says:

    I don’t think Sylar can sense anyone, since he kills Ando in the future comic because he thinks Ando has Hiro’s power (when Hiro teleported away after Sylar broke his sword, from Sylar’ s POV it looks like Ando has the power since once he touches Hiro, they disappear).

    In Chapter 28 of the online comic, they show young Linderman reappearing after not talking to Papa Petrelli for a long time. They also show a young kid running around whom I assume is Nathan, so I doubt Linderman is the real father.

    What’s with the NBC promo from last week lying about how important Molly is? Since all she can do is find people, that’s not going to be really useful seeing as how they’re going to fight Sylar in person anyway. The Company doesn’t even want to stop Sylar. I hope Mohinder realizes that they just manipulated him so that he would cure her.

  5. Jay Tea says:

    “Molly, this is a picture of the guy who used to play Dr. Who. And this is the little girl of a man who works for us who’s run away from home. Can you help us find them?”


  6. The Doctor says:

    Jon,I don’t think NBC lied. Eric Roberts explicitly said that Molly was the one who could stop Sylar. How that would work should be interesting [and Mohinder didn’t seem puzzled by this claim], but I don’t think this was misleading.

    I still think that Linderman and Mom are part of a Golden Age superhero team which has gone in a differnt direction, ethically…

    And how ’bout the stunt casting of Audrey I as Sylar’s mom? I kept expecting a deep voice to demand for Seymore to bring on the meal…Certainly explains a lot about Sylar’s issues.

  7. What? That was Ellen Greene as Sylar’s mother? No way. How did she get so old? IMDB says she’s only 56.

    Jon, you’re minimizing the “Who’s the Daddy” concept in comic books. Having been a lifelong fan, my guess is Linderman is daddy to at least Peter, and we find that out in season two.

    You know what makes no sense? Why he wanted to kill Nathan in the earlier episodes.

  8. Sabba Hillel says:

    An interesting point that Molly raises about Linderman’s power. He can heal people (as the graphic novel show with father Petrelli in Viet Nam and as the show had with the plant) however, he cannot *cure* an ongoing disease. THus, he should be able to heal the damage that the disease does to Molly, keeping her alive, but he cannot cure the disease cause. Indeed, when he heals Molly, he may also keep regenerating the disease bacteria or virus as well as her body.

  9. Sabba Hillel says:

    I think that Sylar has to be trying to leech the power before he realizes that the person does not have a power. We see that when he kills the wrong cheerleader. He only starts after Claire *after* he realizes that the other cheerleader does not have a power.

  10. Jon says:

    I know NBC was directly lying, since Eric Roberts did end up saying the line, but from the context of the line, it doesn’t look like Molly “is the only one who can stop Sylar.”

    Maybe Linderman wanted to kill Nathan after he realized he wasn’t going to be able to manipulate him (was he still trying to kill Nathan when Nathan met him in the hotel kitchen?)

    Sabba, didn’t Linderman heal his mother in the comic who had cancer? Although, maybe he was only able to heal the damage and the cancer came back after he left home.

    Did anyone else notice when Bennett called the new Hero tracking system the “Walker System”? I wonder if Bennett knows that the system is actually a little girl.

  11. Sabba Hillel says:


    I did not notice Linderman healing his mother as i have not been following the comics in detail. However, cancer is not the same as a disease. Cancer is a wild growth of tissue. If he healed his mother, it would have been by “taming” the wild cells and restoring them to their normal (healthy) state. A disease on the other hand, is *caused* by healthy bacteria or viruses. Thus, the “healing” process would make the bacteria healthy as well.

    It would be interesting to see how Sylar gets to Candace and then “becomes” Nathan. I wonder what he does to Linderman and Mom.

    Hopefully, we get to see him stopped, unless the next season is another five year loop with Hiro triggering a modified change with the next “younger self”.

  12. Sabba Hillel says:

    BTW, I wonder what Micah was supposed to be doing if he is not hooking up to the tracking system machinery.

  13. Jon says:


    Thanks for the cancer-disease clarification. That makes sense.

    As for Micah, I’m pretty sure he’s supposed to be rigging the election by modifying electronic voting machines in NYC.

    On a different note, what do people think of the future comic’s ability to effect the outcome of the bomb? In other sci-fi movies/shows where people are predicting the future, when people discover what’s going to happen, they have the ability to change it (like at the end of Minority Report). In Heroes, it seems that people are only doing the things in the comic because they see what’s actually in the comic (Mohinder killing the Haitian in last week’s episode). It’s like the future depicted in the comic/paintings depends on people actually seeing it.

  14. Sabba Hillel says:

    The prediction of the future is a tricky proposition because the prediction itself changes the future.

    An oracle tells a merchant that he will return from the trip a wealthy man.

    The merchant goes on the trip and everything goes wrong. He is feeling disgusted and is ready to chuck it and go for a walk on the beach. Because of the prediction he sticks with it and does not discover the treasure on the beach that the previous nights storm has uncovered. As a result, making the prediction has caused it to become false.

    Original timeline – Sylar leeches Claire, Hiro stabs Sylar, he regenerates, NY blows up. Hiro jumps back and gives Peter the message.

    Second timeline (of 5 years in the future)

    “Original Hiro” appears back at the point he left with his memories intact. The timeline is now changed so Sylar does not have Claire’s power and Peter is thought to have caused the explosion (and does have Claire’s power). I do not know what he “remembers” doing differently during this part of the loop. Perhaps he missed Sylar completely. This is the line in which Sylar leeched Candace, Nathan, D. L., Ted, etc. I think that as Nathan, he was able to pretend to “put down dangerous mutants” as part of the agreement between Bennet and Parkman. That way he leeched D. L., Ted, Jessica (who is survived by Nicki who is now freed from the mirror universe), etc.

    Hiro realizes that he must tell “himself” to kill Sylar. That brings us to the current timeline before the explosion.

  15. Sabba Hillel says:

    BTW the last scene shows Claire pointing the gun at Peter about to shoot. Probably she shoots him, knocking him out and causing him to no longer manifest the radiation power. Remember the last time he almost lost it. “Invisible Man” knocked him out and he was then OK. Here, the shock interrupts him in the same way and he has to use Claire’s power to heal so that he is no longer about to blow up.

  16. Jon says:

    The prediction changing the future is usually what happens but whenever someone looks at the comic, they end up doing what they saw. Mohinder says he stabs the Haitian because “I think I’m supposed to” and points to the comic. We don’t know whether he would have done so without seeing the comic, but the comic itself is a little ambiguous (I think it just shows Mohinder about to kill Hiro and then the next frame is the Haitian dying). Also, Peter seeing the painting of him “dead” after falling off the roof of the high school fighting Sylar causes him to put that chain of events in motion (because he wouldn’t have known where in Texas he was supposed to go).

    I don’t know why Peter wanted Claire to shoot him (especially in the back of the head where he would probably die), when a punch would have done just as good. I’m guessing he doesn’t want to risk the chance that he’ll still explode and would rather die than let that happen.

  17. Sabba Hillel says:

    I don’t think Claire could knock him out with a punch. It would probably just trigger the explosion.

  18. The Doctor says:

    Okay, here’s one for you. I was listening to Debbie Friedman at Carnegie Hall, where she sang a song entitled “Save a Life, Save the World.” What can we learn from this?

    Hiro’s a yeshiva bocher,that’s what…

    Or maybe the writers pay attention to Talmud

  19. Sabba Hillel says:

    Another point. When Ted started to go nuclear at the Bennet home, Claire was the only one who could survive getting close to him. However, he was not hurt. I think that he is immune to his own radiation. I also think that he can control the nature and frequency as well as the magnitude of his radiation. Consider how he recharged the car battery.

    Whichever one of the three of them detonate New York, would survive unless hit by the secondary effects.

  20. The Doctor says:

    Yeah, like a piece of a bridge falls on him. Only Peter would survive…

  21. Sabba Hillel says:

    It could legitimately be that Molly is required to stop Sylar as she is the only way they can find him. Otherwise he can keep sneaking around getting individual powers. That may be the reason that he was able to get Candace and Nathan.

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