Teaching fourth graders

This is the time of year that drives me the craziest. The kids all have spring fever, and Tuesdays are the worst. They’ve been in school all day, and now they have to come straight ot religious school with barely a break between. That’s why I try to have my curriculum finished by mid-April if possible, or as early as I can get the kids past their mastery skills.

Today, I wanted to test them on the alefbet. You would think that they wouldn’t have any trouble with the letters at all, but I know there are still a couple of letters that each of them blank on. It’s either a blind spot thing or just a fourth grade thing. They read spectacularly for me on Sunday, so well that I went home thinking that yes, I really did manage to teach them to read Hebrew on a higher level by the end of the year.

So the alefbet test: I held up a flash card, and A. said, “Underarm sweat!”


Fourth graders.

They drive you crazy, and they keep you humble.

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One Response to Teaching fourth graders

  1. Chris L. says:

    What’s bad too is when your zipper is down. That happened to me more than once when teaching high school. Really bad.

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