File under: Utter waste of time

A meeting with Mubarak, head of the nation that wants to negate its treaty with Israel.

Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni held talks Thursday with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak in the first high-level discussion between Israel and the Arab world on an Arab initiative calling for an exchange of land for peace.

Love the way the AP describes the initiative. It takes them most of the article to truthfully describe the plan.

The Arab initiative calls for full Arab recognition of Israel in return for an Israeli withdrawal from territories captured in the 1967 Middle East War and the creation of a Palestinian state. It also calls for a “just solution” to the issue of Palestinian refugees.

Israel rejects the right of return for refugees, on the grounds it would destroy Israel’s character as a Jewish state.

That, and it would utterly destroy Israel. But don’t let facts in the way of playing down Israel’s concerns.

“The Arab peace initiative is a historic chance and if we don’t move, there would be nothing to negotiate on,” King Abdullah of Jordan was quoted as saying in an interview published Thursday in the Egyptian daily Al-Ahram.

Actually, it’s exactly the same deal that you’ve been asking for (and were offered long ago) for forty years, sans Jerusalem. Or at least, the Western Wall part of it. “Negotiation” means each side actually gives something up. This plan gives up nothing from the Arab side.

Color me unsurprised.

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2 Responses to File under: Utter waste of time

  1. Houston says:


    I just can’t wait to hear how the press talks about the “Israeli rejection” of this “Historic Arab peace proposal.”

    What a load. They can’t fight a real war worth a crud, but they can sure manipulate the press masterfully.

  2. Michael Lonie says:

    That’s a media that wants despeately to be manipulated. The slightest critical thinking by the reporters and editors would long ago have exposed the Arab scams. It’s postmodern reporting, facts don’t matter, feeling is all.

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