Video/audio software questions

I’m getting more and more involved with editing audio and video. Any suggestions on what software to get (besides the “Get a Mac” crowd, which isn’t software, but hardware)?

I don’t intend to spend thousands of dollars. I’m willing to go up to maybe a couple hundred. And I’d prefer one program that does both audio and video editing/capture/ripping. Is that possible, or do I need several different programs?

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4 Responses to Video/audio software questions

  1. Check out Serif MoviePlus 5 (

    I usually use a higher end package but the bang for the buck is incredible. Haven’t tried the audio editing on it but I think it does that as well (although the free Audacity is very good.)

  2. Houston says:

    I have been very pleasantly surprised with Audacity for my audio files. Very easy and FREE!

  3. Tom Frank says:

    Sorry Meryl, but “Get a MAC” is the correct answer.

    The whole MAC experience really is a software thing; Apple merely ensures reliabilty and compatibility by providing the hardware as well. That way they get to control the chip sets and interfacing, and when you call for tech support (yes, it happens from time to time), the person on the phone will in fact know just what your computer looks like inside and out, hardware and software. Makes for much easier trouleshooting.

    iMovie is pretty easy to use for video editing. Quicktime is an Apple product. There are several audio only programs available if you just want to do audio (or use Garage Band, which is probably overkill).

    If you something that absolutely must run under Windows, that’s what “Parallel’s” is for.

    Now that they’ve gone to Intel chips, the hardware is in the same price range.

    So when it’s time to next upgrade the computer, come over to this side. The water’s fine, the grass is greener (and has less pollen), and any other metaphor you care to use.

  4. Russ says:

    I have a Mac and I still use Audacity for my audio file editting :)

    “Get a Mac” is the right answer for video editing, but not a very useful one for you just now, I suspect.

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