TV and the internet

The mainstream media may have trouble catching on to the uses of the internet, but TV networks are figuring it out.

Besides NBC utilizing the enormous fanbase and interactivity of the internet (next year we get to choose which new character gets introduced in season three), CBS is allowing its fans to blast it for cancelling Jericho–on the CBS message boards.

Love or hate the cancellation, you gotta love the network for doing that.

And by the way, I hate the cancellation, but then, I was pretty pissed off when they killed of Gerald McRaney’s character.

I had no idea last week was the season finale. Oh. Now it’s the series finale.


That makes two years in a row that a new show I actually bothered watching all the way through has died. First Invasion, then Jericho.

Hey. I think I’d better not watch an SF show that starts with a K next year. Guaranteed cancellation.

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One Response to TV and the internet

  1. Peter says:

    Actually, when I called my wife to tell her they cancelled Jericho her first response was ‘good.’ She’d already decided she wasn’t watching it any more after they killed off Gerald McRaney’s character.

    I still hope they air a movie/mini-series tying up all the loose ends.

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