Palestinian government says it will murder Israeli civilians

The ruling party of the Palestinian government announced that they will murder civilians inside Israel.

Earlier Thursday, IDF forces sent several tanks into the northern Gaza Strip near the town of Beit Lahiya. The tanks are several hundred meters inside the security fence, providing the IDF an additional means to battle Qassam rocket fire in the area.

This is the first time that IDF tanks have entered Gaza since the ceasefire took effect six months ago.

For the first time in many months, the military branch of Hamas has announced that it would respond to Israel’s attacks with suicide attacks inside Israel.

Hamas is the democratically elected government of the Palestinians. Suicide attacks are war crimes. Members of Hamas don’t wipe their asses without permission from their superiors. If they manage to pull one off, it will be with the explicit permission of Khalid Mashaal and Ismail Haniyeh, and let us not pretend otherwise.

Not that I expect the world to do anything other than tsk-tsk and warn Israel to “excercise restraint” if Hamas is successful.

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One Response to Palestinian government says it will murder Israeli civilians

  1. Joel says:

    Hey you know what? If not for the security fence there would be dead Jews every day.
    Israel needs to kill the Hamas political leaders as well as the actual terrorists.
    I guess the Gates of Hell will remain open.
    On another topic – May 28 is the Labour Primary and hopefully the demise of the Amir Peretz tragedy at the Defense Ministry.

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