The difference between old host and Bluehost

My new hosting service is Bluehost, a service that I have been extremely happy with. Here’s the main reason why:

In the last month with my old hosting service, I received a link from Instapundit. The resulting traffic caused my old hosting service to redirect most of the referrers from Glenn away from my site. No, I am not kidding. They forced a redirect error to reduce server load. The traffic was only several hundred hits per hour, according to Sitemeter, but I can’t tell if that was before or after their little miracle cure.

Well, I am currently undergoing about twice the amount of traffic with another Instalink. As far as I can tell, my site is unaffected by the extra load, which is just under 1,000 hits per hour.

Another great service from Bluehost: If I can’t get to my site due to server load from someone else on the shared server, I can go to a page to check my server. Every time this has happened, within about a minute, the message is changed to “An administrator is checking the server load,” and shortly thereafter, my site is back to normal.

If you’re looking for a new hosting service, I’m recommending Bluehost. They don’t believe in ignoring their little guys and only making sure the big guns have excellent service. Big or little, they’re treated the same.

And no, I won’t name my old hosting service. I’d rather not play that game. I’m not going to get into a nasty blogwar. I’d much rather pay a compliment to Bluehost. They rock.

And thanks to a reader, I’ve just become a Bluehost affiliate. If you sign up through this link, I get cash.

And a banner.

Or maybe this one. I can’t decide.

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4 Responses to The difference between old host and Bluehost

  1. Eric J says:

    A suggestion, if I may. Your RSS feed right now is set to only show the latest 5 items. That’s less than one day sometimes. If there’s an easy way to change that value, it would be useful to bump it up a bit.

  2. JohnF says:

    Thanks for the link. I am searching for a new hosting service. Are you part of the Affiliate program? If so, where is that link?

  3. Thanks, John. I didn’t know about the affiliate program until you pointed it out to me. I just signed up, so if you click through the banner or the link, I will reap the benefits.

    Much appreciated. What kind of blog do you run? Send me an email. My first name at my last name dot com.

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