In praise of cats

Lair links to a Rachel Lucas post where she gives advice to would-be online dating service success stories. The part that bothers Lair, of course, is where Rachel says not to put up photos of your cats.

Well. These are for you, Rachel.

First, we have the cutest picture ever taken of Gracie, who is all curled up and happy in her tissue-paper nest. You can see that her belly fur is finally growing back.

Gracie, all curled up in her nest

Next we have Gracie in the window, posing for me as I return home and letting me know she missed me.

Gracie waiting in the window

Then we have the Tig greetings. This is what I come home to about ninety percent of the time now. I open the door, and the kitty condo is right there.

Tig on the kitty condo welcomes me home

And here is the view from my kitchen window on a hot, sunny day. While I am cooking, or washing the dishes, or doing any manner of kitchen task, I can look out and see this:

Tig, relaxing on the patio

Why on earth would I be ashamed to publicize the fact that I own cats? It’s obvious that my cats are happy, healthy, and loved. A person who knows how to take care of an animal quite often also knows how to take care of another person.

Love me, love my cats. It’s that simple.

Would I put a cat picture in an online dating service profile? Beats me. I’ve never tried it.

Besides, if I decided to post a picture of, say, me holding Tig while not wearing a top, I’m guessing that would generate a hell of a lot of positive buzz. (He’s big enough to cover my entire torso, but still—you know people would link. I’m still getting hits every single day from the Blog Chicks Pix on whatshisface’s Beltway blog.)

Really. If a guy doesn’t want to pick me because he doesn’t like a picture of my cat, I’m thinking I don’t want to have anything to do with him in the first place.

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12 Responses to In praise of cats

  1. Alex Bensky says:

    “I own cats.” I love that locution, Meryl. It’s entirely inaccurate, of course.

  2. colin says:

    God,I hate to admit it,but I’m starting to enjoy the cat pictures

  3. Gracie says:

    i’m in UR hed, making U like katz

  4. I dunno, it sounds like she meant no photos of your cats alone on the dating site, not on your personal web site. Which doesn’t sound too unreasonable.

    She’s angered the Cat Mafia for sure now, though. We’ll probably find her buried in a shallow litter box somewhere. Sad, really.

    I don’t remember where I found this. Maybe it was here. Anyhow, enjoy.

  5. Yeah, I figured that part out. But if you read that part of her post, it was pretty condescending to single, female cat owners. I don’t think cat pictures look pathetic, or make you look pathetic.

    If I ever decide to do the online thing, cats are definitely high up in the list of things to mention. I absolutely will not date someone who hates cats. What’s the point? I’m not getting rid of mine.

  6. chsw says:

    1. It’s a turn-off to the cat allergic bachelor.
    2. Trust my experience in real estate when I say that one early sign of an old lady “losing it” is when she starts accumulating cats. Old single men with cats usually die before they reach this stage.
    3. OTOH, you may get lots of dating inquiries if you showed your cats (or any cats) sharing an intimate moment.


  7. And how is 1. a bad thing? Once again: Me–keeping cats. Him–accepting of that fact or find someone else.

    2. Feh. I have two cats. That is hardly an accumulation.

    3. My cats are neutered.

  8. Rahel says:

    I think that if I were a man, I’d be very pleased to date a woman who was caring for another living creature, be it a cat, dog, ferret or whatever. It would indicate that she was kind, responsible, compassionate and loving — things that I think anyone, man or woman, would want in a prospective mate.

  9. Jack says:

    One day all of the cats will be banished and sent to live out their lives on cat island. When that day happens you better believe there will be one hell of a party.

  10. plum says:

    That tummy photo of Tig is the best!

  11. Michael Lonie says:

    Tig in the cat condo looks like he’s saying: “Where have you been? I’m starving.”

  12. chsw says:

    Meryl, as far as your cats being neutered, does that mean that they don’t even try? Also, I didn’t say that you were an old lady about to “lose it.” I didn’t mean to imply it. All I meant to say is that is another reason why cat pix in J-Date or another date site might put off guys.

    Anyway, coax Tig & Gracie into doing something felinopornic while you snap pix.


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