Queers for Israel

Here’s something you will never see in a Muslim nation. Israel’s going to get its first gay political party.

A number of friends plan to set up a party for gay people that would contend for Knesset seats in the next general election.

The party will be called Magi, a Hebrew acronym for Gay Party in Israel, the Tel Aviv magazine reported Thursday.

Gay groups stepped up their campaign for more civil rights when their plans to hold a gay pride parade in Jerusalem were cancelled by the police for fear of confrontations with the city’s strictly religious residents.

Say, Queers for Terrorists: What do you think about this? Whoops, you’re still too busy blaming the Israelis for every bad thing in Israel and the terrortories to notice. Never mind.

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5 Responses to Queers for Israel

  1. chsw says:

    Arafat was gay and died of AIDS. Several of the early suicide bombers were his, ahem, bodyguards who had also come down with AIDS.

    As far as the “World Pride” parade targeting Jerusalem every year – change your venue! I understand that Tehran’s summer is far more moderate.


  2. Zee says:

    Jerusalem’s Gay Pride parade was cancelled because of concerns of terrorism, not because of the religious protesters. It was supposed to take place not long after the Hamas bomb killed a family on a Gaza beach, that Israel was blamed for (of course).

  3. Alex Bensky says:

    I have e-mailed Queers for Palestine a couple of times, pointing out that Tel Aviv has an annual Gay Pride parade and Damascus…doesn’t, not to mention the Palestinians who don’t, either.

    Just as soon as they answer I’ll relay what they have to say.

  4. Alex, they blame Israel for all the problems. They say it’s Israel’s fault that Palestinian gays are executed because Israel won’t let them flee from the terrortories into Israel.

    How’s that for backwards reasoning?

  5. Alex Bensky says:

    They indeed do that, Meryl. Of course, Israel actually does let Palestinian gays flee to Israel. But as you know if you’ve checked their website, this is not a group that is strong on logic or reason. They’d be funny in a less serious situation.

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