Monthly Archives: May 2007

Gullibility of fools?

A person’s power of self-persuasion is nothing short of miraculous. Watching the comedy unfolding in the Hay festival with the new darling of the British press, one Ghazi Hamad, I really do not know whether to laugh or to cry. … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel, Media Bias | 2 Comments

Hamas’ success may be its downfall

An interesting analysis in Ynet: “Hamas’ intoxication with power” – that’s how sources in the Gaza Strip explain the difficult blows sustained by the organization in recent days at the hands of the Israeli Air Force. On Saturday, five members … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas | 1 Comment

Say goodbye to Peretz

It’s a no-confidence vote by members of his own party. Say buh-bye, Amir. Ehud Barak won the first round of the battle for the Labor party chairmanship. As of 5 a.m. Tuesday, with all votes tallied, he led Ami Ayalon … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 3 Comments

Remembering our fallen

I’m not very good at this part, having never been in the service, nor lost any member of my family who served. But Blackfive’s pretty good at it. Especially here, in this post. And there’s always this: And these. And … Continue reading

Posted in Holidays | 1 Comment

Major terror arrest in Israel

Got a big Al Aqsa fish in Ramallah today, one who was hiding behind Arafat’s skirts for years. A senior commander of the Aksa Martyrs Brigades who is responsible for the deaths of several Israelis was arrested in a joint … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Terrorism | 2 Comments

Reframing Israel’s politics: AP says Labor is “centrist”

Did you know that the Labor party is centrist? The AP sure thinks so. Polls showed the five-way race being a tossup between former Prime Minister Ehud Barak and political newcomer Ami Ayalon, a dovish former internal security agency head. … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Israel, Politics | 3 Comments

Pushing the envelope or doo nothing

This latest news on the new dimension of freedom of speech has made a serious impact on my understanding of Politically Correct evolution of our species. Up till now I have always imagined the political correctness mechanism as a kind … Continue reading

Posted in Juvenile Scorn | 2 Comments

It’s a schoolday in Sderot, and rockets are falling

Nine Ten Eleven more rockets today. I’m awaiting the UN condemnation of the indiscriminate targeting of civilians, including children, by the Palestinian terrorists. Okay, no, not really, but I like to say that to point out the vast difference in … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel | 16 Comments

A man who really loves his cat

This is a man who really loves his cat: A Negev resident woke up early Monday morning to find a leopard in his bedroom. The wild animal had been chasing Arthur Damush’s beloved cat around the house, and when the … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | 6 Comments

Shire Network News is up

Brian’s back on SNN. The feature interview is with Itamar Marcus of Palestinian Media Watch, the organization that gives us the scoop on how the Palestinians indoctrinate their people in Israel (and America) hatred. My contribution this week analyzes Sarkozy’s … Continue reading

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LOTR, Simpsons style

I missed this one, what with no longer watching the Simpsons. But it’s quite funny.

Posted in Television | 4 Comments

On logic and drones

In the heated debates between pro- and anti-Israeli folks there is a lot of illogical and plainly ridiculous arguments, each of the parties bringing in his/her own load of prejudices, knowledge (or the lack of it), sectarian fervor, etc. Quite … Continue reading

Posted in Bugs, Juvenile Scorn | 2 Comments

Your tax dollars at work: Beaches with a bang

Here is a fine example of your tax dollars, and the Army Corps of Engineers, at work: There are unexploded WWI munitions in the sand at Long Beach Island, New Jersey. Many of the beach towns on Long Beach Island, … Continue reading

Posted in Juvenile Scorn | 3 Comments

The Hamas war continues

The war by Hamas against Israel continues. A man was killed Sunday morning in the southern town of Sderot after a rocket landed near the car he was sitting in. The man, 36-year-old Oshri Oz of Hod Hasharon, crashed into … Continue reading

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Hamas has figured out that Israel doesn’t like it

The Keen Grasp of the Obvious Award goes to: Hamas. Israel is trying to weaken Hamas and not just respond to Qassam attacks, members of the movement said after IDF destroyed at least ten outposts of Hamas’ special forces Satuday. … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Juvenile Scorn | 1 Comment