This week’s Shire Network News

It is up, and I have a new question for you all: Do I sound like Ellen DeGeneres to you? One of the guys at work says my voice sounds like hers. He says especially in the way I talk, as in the inflections, or speech pattern, I suppose. I can see a tiny commonality, but not much more than that.


This week we don’t have a feature interview as President George Bush didn’t return our calls. We wanted to ask him what he thought about the Dhimmification of Europe and the US. But I guess we’ll just have to wait. Instead Tom Paine talks about the 1940s Noel Coward/David Lean movie ‘In Which We Serve’.

In BlogNews this week we go first to the TimeOut Magazine article “Is London’s Future Islamic?”. Iowahawk managed to find a first draft of this piece entitled “London’s Swinging like a Scimitar” but frankly the original is a parody of itself.

This week’s weird Fatwa can be found at Little Green Footballs. Read it and weep. The Guardian’s piece about Tony Blair is here: Blair launches fund to improve teaching of Islam.

The Terror Finance blog has the piece about Tariq Ramadan assaulting people in France.

This week Damian goes after Che Guevara and mentions the following post from Mucracked!. Damian’s Blog can be found here.

Meryl is on fine form and talking about Ahamdinejad and Israel.

(I didn’t write that. Brian or Tom did.)

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