Hypocrisy on Aisle Two

Take a look at this YouTube video, which Omri was kind enough to post for me.

I haven’t quite figured out what I think about the Maxim Israeli Soldier Swimsuit Issue. On the one hand, good publicity for Israel is good publicity. On the other hand, y’know, using half-naked women to get attention for Israel is just not cool to a feminist. But I have to say, does anyone else see the utter hypocrisy in this CNN clip, where Wolf Blitzer goes to a drop-dead gorgeous female reporter, who then says in her opening line of the report: “They’re drop-dead gorgeous, and military trained!”

Um. CNN is using sex to sell the news. And this is a report on Israel using sex to sell Israeli tourism.

Is there a single woman on CNN who is only plain? Average? I’m thinking not. I mean, really. Do they not see the hypocrisy in this report in the least?

A lot of religious Israelis are pretty upset with the Maxim article. I’m on the fence.

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8 Responses to Hypocrisy on Aisle Two

  1. Alex Bensky says:

    Indeed, Meryl, this is an issue that merits further study. Please post as much as you can in the way of similar pictures, both stills and video…a lot of it, please. Then we can give the evidence study…close study…and we candecide our position onit.

  2. Sabba Hillel says:

    I’m sure that you would do as well if you were put on CNN, and you actually have brains as well as being able to read a teleprompter.

  3. A Steve says:

    The Daily Show already zinged CNN et. al. for this: http://www.geekwithlaptop.com/news-id-like-to-fk/

    I have to admit that I find those women pleasing to the eye, but they’re also kind of insulting to my intelligence.

  4. chsw says:

    You are not on the fence. You are upset that Maxim did not exist when you were 23 and could have been a potential photo subject. :-)

    chsw (ducking)

  5. chsw says:

    Hypocrisy in the news business? I am shocked, shocked!

    Really, the shallowness of TV and cable news can be really striking. Frankly, I couldn’t care if male or female reporters looked like Irving R. Levine, and he’s been dead a few years.

    chsw (still ducking)

  6. Robert says:

    Hey this is probably the first news article about Israel – in which it was not condemned outright!

  7. John M says:

    Well, as a Christian, I don’t really approve of this, but I have to agree that Israeli women tend to look much more fetching in uniform than those of other countries. No telling why.

  8. Hugh says:

    “Is there a single woman on CNN who is only plain? Average? I’m thinking not. I mean, really.”

    Meryl, Candy Crowley (sp?) has been on CNN for a number of years. She seems to be competent, and they often use her to handle some complex stories.

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