Virginia readers: Send a message to Jim Webb

Update 2: Bastard voted for cloture. See? That’s why I ran against him. I would have voted against.

Update: Finally got through, and his staffer said that Senator Webb has not declared how he intends to vote.

I just got off the phone from trying to call one my senators to tell him to vote no on the amnesty bill. Senator Webb’s Washington voicemail is full. The line is busy. The Richmond number is free, and staff members are answering. 804-771-2221 if you’d like to talk to a person and tell them to tell Senator Webb to vote NO on the Amnesty bill.

My grandparents and great-grandparents all entered this country legally. So should the 12 million illegals currently breaking the laws in our nation. Amnesty? No. Legal immigration? Yes.

Here are all of Webb’s contact numbers. Call him to make sure he votes no on the amnesty bill.

Hampton Roads
222 Central Park Ave.
Suite 120
Virginia Beach, VA 23462
Phone: 757-518-1674
Fax: 757-518-1679

Richmond Office
507 East Franklin Street
Richmond, VA 23219
Phone: 804-771-2221
Fax: 804-771-8313

Roanoke Office
3140 Chaparral Drive
Building C, Suite 101
Roanoke, VA 24018
Phone: 540-772-4236
Fax: 540-772-6870

Washington, D.C.
144 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: (202) 224-4024
Fax: 202-228-6363

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3 Responses to Virginia readers: Send a message to Jim Webb

  1. Sabba Hillel says:

    The senators have been ducking the various phone callers for a long time now. One of the organizations pushing the amnesty bill has set up an automatic response 800 number which scans your phone number and automatically calls the appropriate senators’ offices. You choose “1” or “2” to get the senator you want.

    You have to listen to a proamnesty commercial first, but that you get put right through to the appropriate senator automatically.

    Since this is automatic, you can use it even for a sensible anti-amnesty message to your senator.

    The phone number is 1-800-417-7666

    This immediately gets through.

    Of course as soon as I said that the parts of the bill should be passed separately, and current laws enforced …

    “Thank you for calling (click)”

  2. Robert says:

    I have called both Senator Kyl and McCain..and told them flat out I resigned from resigned from the Republican Party and will never donate my time or money to either of them since they voted for this travesty. Heck, both of them co-authored this BS.

  3. Gary Rosen says:

    I have always considered myself very pro-immigration. I still feel that immigration is the lifeblood of the US and I like to say that “everyone in the US who isn’t a full-blooded American Indian is descended from immigrants, and even they came over from Asia”.

    But I had a very enlightening experience last year when I visited New York City and took a tour of Ellis Island, where my ancestors (and probablly Meryl’s) came through. I learned that every single person who was processed there was given a medical exam and was questioned about why they were coming to the US and what they planned to do here.

    Defenders of amnesty/illegal immigration will try to claim that these exams were superficial and meaningless. Well, they may have been perfunctory but they were anything but meaningless. They sent a very clear message that the immigrants were guests in our country, that they were expected to play by the rules and abide by the law, and if they did so they would be considered for citizenship. This could not be more dramatically different than the situation of illegal immigrants who regardless of how benign their intentions may be are all by definition starting out here as outlaws. Not to mention the issues of assimilation and language.

    My experience at Ellis Island definitely hardened my positioin against illegal immigration. And it is maddening (but unfortunately hardly surprising) to see the MSM deliberately distort the issue by constantly bewailing the plight of “immigrants” without the crucial qualifier “illegal”, implying that opponents of amnesty are uniformly opposed to all immigration and by implication racist. Some of the most vociferous opponents of amnesty are legal immigrants and their families who rightly feel they are being made suckers for playing by the rules.

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