Monthly Archives: June 2007

UNIFIL tells UN that its impotent

Yes, we already knew that UNIFIL had no teeth, but tell me again, what, exactly, are they there for? Because it can’t possibly be to stop the re-arming of Hezbullah. The border between Syria and Lebanon is porous, claims a … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Lebanon | 4 Comments

Home buying lessons

So, how many of my readers are well-versed in the art of home buying? There’s a townhouse development going up near me that I’m very interested in, and I’d like to do a lot of research about mortgages and buying … Continue reading

Posted in Life | 9 Comments

Shire Network News, at long last

The slightly-delayed version of SNN is now up. Yours truly discusses the death of Kurt Waldheim, the former head of the UN and Nazi officer. Hogan’s Heroes are invoked. I may post the essay. No, wait. Can’t post the ones … Continue reading

Posted in Podcasts | 3 Comments

How do you say “home run” in Hebrew?

Baseball comes to Israel, and the sportscasters are wondering how to translate the game lingo into Hebrew. Puzzled broadcasters calling the first professional baseball game in Israeli history struggled with rendering baseball lingo into the holy tongue of Hebrew. After … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 11 Comments

Virginia readers: Send a message to Jim Webb

Update 2: Bastard voted for cloture. See? That’s why I ran against him. I would have voted against. Update: Finally got through, and his staffer said that Senator Webb has not declared how he intends to vote. I just got … Continue reading

Posted in Politics | 3 Comments

Second verse, same as the first

I should just rerun my previous posts. Abbas is making many demands of Israel, and once again is not promising anything of substance in return. Is he going to stop Al Aqsa from trying to murder Israelis at every opportunity … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel, palestinian politics | 1 Comment

Reading list

Read this one in full: Noam Shalit is interviewed by Hamas, and shoves their propaganda right down their throats. In response to the host’s claim that the demand made by the groups holding Gilad that Israel release long-time male prisoners, … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel | 1 Comment

Doing my part to hurt the haters

Ami Iseroff wants us to get the haters off the Google Zionism search links. One of the top searches is to your typical anti-Semitic loonie site. Zionism (Jewish Virtual Library) Zionism (Mideast Web) Zionism Israeli Foreign Ministry Zionism & Israel … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Israel | 4 Comments

The judge is an ass

A judge in Washington tried to bully a family-owned dry cleaning shop by suing the owners for $54 million in damages because they lost his pants. He lost the case. Score one for the common man against a jerk who … Continue reading

Posted in Miscellaneous | 9 Comments

AP bias surge

The AP sent out a story with this despicable headline, which some headline writer presumably thought was a clever turn of phrase: Iraq: Surge Of Suicide Blasts Kills 27 Get it? U.S. surge of troops, terrorist surge of suicide bombings. … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias | Comments Off on AP bias surge

Proof of life from Gilad Shalit

Color me shocked. I thought he was dead, and frankly, still think he may be. I don’t trust Hamas at all. But Hamas released a tape by Gilad Shalit. An Israeli soldier captured a year ago by militants from Gaza … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel, Media Bias | 6 Comments

The AP difference

The difference betwen editorial shifts is obvious. Check out these passages in an AP story written by Amy Teibel, and edited by God knows who—they’re actually telling the truth about terrorists for a change. Deposed Palestinian Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Israel | 3 Comments

Hey! There’s a new Babylon 5 DVD coming out!

A new B5 story. Did you know this? I did not know this. I am so out of the loop. Times change. Dangers remain. 10 years after he became President of the Interstellar Alliance, Sheridan prepares for a fateful Babylon … Continue reading

Posted in Television | 1 Comment

Another day, another rocket attack on Israel

Three crude, homemade kassam rockets landed in the backyard of a Sderot home, spreading metal shards and shrapnel all around, and injuring three of the residents of that home. But Israel should not launch “retaliatory” attacks because they would be … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel | 3 Comments

Hypocrisy on Aisle Two

Take a look at this YouTube video, which Omri was kind enough to post for me. I haven’t quite figured out what I think about the Maxim Israeli Soldier Swimsuit Issue. On the one hand, good publicity for Israel is … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Television | 8 Comments