Monthly Archives: June 2007

Things that make you go hmmm

We interrupt your boring weekend with this piece of news: The Israel Air Force has significantly upgraded the level of its cooperation with the United States Air Force and now receives regular updates on American procurement decisions, The Jerusalem Post … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel | 4 Comments

Happy kittyblogging

I have no desire to annoy myself or my readers with all of the usual news to annoy. Instead, I present to you: Fresh Gracie pictures. She is happy, happy, happy, and she proves that by rolling on the patio, … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | 2 Comments

Israeli ERA Watch

Israel is swearing in more and more women judges. A swearing-in ceremony for new judges at Beit Hanassi on Tuesday demonstrated that the the legal profession, once dominated by males, is gradually being taken over by women. Of the 36 … Continue reading

Posted in Feminism, Israel | Comments Off on Israeli ERA Watch

Hamas tactics: Fear, murder, and intimidation

This is the group that Jimmy Carter thinks we should negotiate with. Their tactics were apparently learned in the Saddam Hussein School of Government: The near-perfect public order that reigned in Gaza this week can be attributed, at least in … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas | 4 Comments

Nap time

Yesterday afternoon, I looked up and found Tig and Gracie performing their usual afternoon activity. Of course, at that specific time, my camera battery chose to go out on me, and the spare, I discovered, had been needing a charge. … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | 3 Comments

Trying the same failed policies. Yeah, that’ll work.

Let’s see. First, they threw money at the Palestinians. That didn’t work. Then, they gave them weapons and training to stop terrorism. That didn’t work. Then, they let terrorists out of jail. That didn’t work. They held summits. Those didn’t … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, palestinian politics | 4 Comments

Not just bigots, but stupid, too

Religious Jews protesting the gay pride parade in Jerusalem set fires all around the city. Nice. Good time of year to set fires. When the rains have stopped and the dry season begins. While Jerusalem police prepared to protect the … Continue reading

Posted in Religion | 21 Comments

Technology rocks

I had one of those “Oh, so THAT’s how you do it!” moments tonight. Found the Firefox extension Video Downloader, and immediately downloaded my current obsessions off YouTube. (Obsession number one is “Waiting for My Real Life to Begin” number … Continue reading

Posted in Computers, Television | 2 Comments

Random spam thought

When you are not quite awake, and watching the spam run through your mailbox before your brain gets into full gear, you see a spam header running through your email that says this: Your koan approval What is the sound … Continue reading

Posted in Meanderings | 6 Comments

UN SecGen shakes finger at Human Wrongs Council

The new UN Secretary General, picking up where Kofi Annan left off (Kofi did this too around the same time last year, about the council’s predecessor), essentially frowned in the Human Wrongs Council’s general direction. The Secretary-General is disappointed at … Continue reading

Posted in Israel Derangement Syndrome, Juvenile Scorn, World | 1 Comment

Brits rediscover their spine

The British are standing pat on the Rushdie knighthood. Good for them. Britain will not apologize for its decision to bestow a knighthood on writer Salman Rushdie, the home secretary said Wednesday, highlighting the need to protect freedom of expression … Continue reading

Posted in Religion, World | 2 Comments

Abbas brands Hamas “terrorists,” terrorists vow revenge

So, when one terrorist group calls another terrorist group terrorists, does it truly mean anything? I mean, come on—Fatah’s got its own branch of plausible-deniability terrorists (yeah, that would be Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade). Anyway, it is rather fun to see … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, palestinian politics | 7 Comments

Compare and contrast

Let’s do yet another compare and contrast. Compare Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians taking refuge in the Erez Crossing: Hamas came by to deliver bullets and hand grenades, killing one and wounding many. Israel sent ambulances and health-care professionals. The … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza | 3 Comments

Random solstice thought

So, was today the longest day, or is it tomorrow? I get so confused. Either way, y’know, it eventually gets dark out.

Posted in Meanderings | 4 Comments

But where do the worms go?

There’s a documentary on the History Channel right now. It’s about the history of fertilizer. I caught it as they were discussing bat guano, and stopped at the sight of millions of bats leaving their caves for the night to … Continue reading

Posted in Television | 3 Comments