Monthly Archives: June 2007

This week’s Shire Network News

Stolen directly from the podcast site: In this week’s edition of Shire Network News, we speak to Venezuelan blogger Daniel Duquenal about Hugo Chavez and the way he’s killing democracy while the global left stand on the sidelines applauding. Podcast … Continue reading

Posted in Podcasts | 1 Comment

Haveil Havalim #119 is UP!

Haveil Havalim #119 – The Winning Goal Edition is UP! (h/t to Seraphic Secret for the name! See now I’m getting professional help. Writing help that is.) Learn about selling vacuum cleaners is like outreach. Arabs are building homes at … Continue reading

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Another day, another call for Israel’s destruction

Another day, another call for Israel’s destruction by a member state of the United Nations. Not that the UN is going to do anything about it. They never have. “The arrogant superpowers and the Zionist regime invested all their efforts … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 2 Comments

The real face of boycott movement

The dust of the UCU boycott brouhaha is still in the air, but the first glimpses of the practical effect the resolutions might have could be already seen. When the leading UK universities such as the ones belonging to the … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome | Comments Off on The real face of boycott movement

Lazy Sunday video

Why Joss Whedon writes strong women characters.

Posted in Feminism, Pop Culture | 1 Comment

Another bar mitzvah weekend

The last of my second-year students has his bar mitzvah this weekend. I know you’re not supposed to have favorites, but I confess that J. was always one of mine, even as he was one of my most challenging students. … Continue reading

Posted in Teaching | 1 Comment

What’s wrong with monopolies

Comcast bought out Richmond’s old cable company years ago. Back when it was AT&T, it never went out, the service was great, and it wasn’t that expensive. All that changed, of course, because Comcast sucks great big hairy you-know-what. And … Continue reading

Posted in Television | 1 Comment

How the poll is shaking out so far

A substantial number of you are ignoring the poll (be still my heart; I never would have suspected that), but if the remainder are fairly representative of my readers (and that’s a big if, but it’s the only if we … Continue reading

Posted in Site news | 5 Comments

Branching out to Hot Air

Hey, folks. Look what your friendly neighborhood blogger did in her spare time. Adam Gadahn’s Meltdown Yep. I wrote this. Anyone have Adam’s email address? Update: Folks, Bryan’s video skills and Robert Spencer’s voice talents were equal parts of the … Continue reading

Posted in Humor, Juvenile Scorn | 10 Comments

British conspiracy theories: The Jews pulled off the Entebbe hijacking

TO ANYONE GETTING HERE VIA RAIMONDO’S LINK: READ THIS FOR THE REAL STORY. Raimondo is lying to you. Entebbe happened, just as Wikipedia said it did. Occam’s Razor applies: If it looks like terrorism…. Okay. Get this. The British government … Continue reading

Posted in Israel Derangement Syndrome, Juvenile Scorn, Terrorism | 12 Comments

Why Hamas wants the truce extended to the West Bank

So they can murder more Israelis. Lots more. The Shin Bet exposed a plot by Hamas members in the Hebron area to carry out an attack against IDF forces on the trans-Judea highway between Kiryat Gat and Kiryat Arba, it … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas | 6 Comments