The UN discovers that UNIFIL is impotent

UN SecGen Ban Ki-moon has issued another futile, toothless statement about Syria, Lebanon,and Hizbullah.

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon called on Syria and Iran to respect an arms embargo on militias in Lebanon and urged Damascus, in a report issued on Friday, to better control its border with its neighbor.

In a report for the Security Council, Ban also demanded support from Syria in efforts to disarm Palestinian armed groups outside Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon.

So long as the UN does nothing but hem and haw, nothing will be done. UNIFIL hasn’t stopped a single arms shipment into Lebanon, and has done nothing in response to the murder of six of their peacekeepers. Why should Syria and Hizbullah care what the SecGen says? He is as impotent as UNIFIL.

What are they going to do when the next war breaks out?

Why, blame Israel, of course.

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One Response to The UN discovers that UNIFIL is impotent

  1. Alex Bensky says:

    Yes, Meryl, but they’ve asked Syria to respect the embargo in no uncertain terms. What else do you want? Remember, from the Arabs, words. From the Jews, deeds.

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