Olmert makes terrorists promise to be good

Oh, yeah, this’ll work. Fatah terrorists are signing agreements that they will no longer murder Israelis. Even Zakaria Zubedei is putting his signature to these worthless pieces of trash.

Scores of wanted Fatah militants in the West Bank have turned in their weapons, under an arrangement in which Israel will grant them effective amnesty as a gesture to Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas.

The Prime Minister’s Office, apologizing for an earlier denial, acknowleged Sunday that Zacharia Zbeidi, head of the Fatah Tanzim militia in the West Bank city of Jenin and one of the highest-profile Fatah commanders on Israeli wanted lists in the territories, is among the nearly 200 militants to whom Israel plans to offer amnesty.

Most of the fugitive militants have signed documents that announced their resignation from the paramilitary organization and a promise to refrain from terrorism. As of Saturday night, nearly 150 of the 178 militants had signed the document. Scores of them had turned in their weapons by Sunday.

Olmert apologized to the bastard? Olmert apologized to the Jew-killer? WTF is wrong with you, Israelis? Why can’t you bring his government down and put someone in who might actually call a terrorist a terrorist?

Olmert is also going to let the head of the DFLP into the West Bank. The DFLP is the organization that perpetrated the Ma’alot massacre, of which commenter Alex Bensky wrote:

I was living in Israel at the time and the kibbutz tv had tape of the massacre on the evening news. I watched the soldier gather outside the school, heard the command to charge, heard firing, and watched the soldiers sprint towards the school as more firing was heard.

Something seemed amiss–I don’t mean slaughtering children, I mean something about what was going on seemed odd. It wasn’t until they showed the tape again that I figured it out:

As the soldiers were dashing towards the school you heard intense firing, but none of it was from the assaulting troops and there was no sign of shots at the soliders…none falling, no little clods of dirt kicked up. I finally got it: The firing was coming from inside the school but the Palestinians weren’t firing at the troops. With Israeli soliders attacking them, rather than defending themselves they were spraying the schoolchildren. Killing Israeli soldiers wasn’t the point; it was killing children. Which they did, more than two dozen.

This is the man that the Olmert administration thinks has changed.

But Deputy Defense Minister Matan Vilnai said Saturday that “We need to view the request of the PA Chairman regarding Hawatmeh’s entry into the West Bank favorably, especially since it does not involve entry into Israel and it is for a limited period of time.”

“Even though Hawatmeh dealt with terrorism in the past, under the current circumstances he is proving to be a person capable of contributing toward leading the Palestinians toward a more rational condition,” Vilnai added.

I’ll tell you what I think: I think that Abbas has turned out to be as good a liar as Arafat. He is gathering terrorists to him just like Arafat, and isolating Hamas—until they are useful to him—just like Arafat.

Nothing has changed. Only the names of a few of the players. Olmert is proving to be as stupid as every other Prime Minister who thought the Palestinians were ready for peace. They’re gathering their forces, is all. Watch.

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5 Responses to Olmert makes terrorists promise to be good

  1. Jack says:

    Nothing has changed.

    That is almost the saddest line of your post.

  2. Schvach says:

    Back in the old days, when Israel signed
    over the Sinai to Egypt, Anwar Sadat was reputed to have said: ‘Poor Israel, we got the Sinai and all they got was a piece of paper’!

  3. Herschel says:

    This reminds me of the Peanuts characters Charlie Brown, and Lucy. Lucy continues to convince Charlie Brown that THIS time she will really really hold the football when he attempts to kick it. Of course, it is her nature to drop the football and poor naive Charlie falls flat on his ass.
    The only difference is that this is not a game and Jewish blood will be spilled.

    Now if Bibi was invited to play this game, Lucy would be the one on the ground!

  4. Michael Lonie says:

    Maybe. How tough was Bibi when he was PM in the middle 90s? He wasn’t exactly the second coming of Menahem Begin was he?

    All “peace process” activity should stop until we see some performance from the Palestinian Authority of what they have agreed to in the past. As for Hamas in Gaza, Israel should cut off Gaza entirely. Send no food, no water, no electricity, no imports through the border or the sea (Israel should blockade the coast). Let the Egyptians provide whatever they want to provide. I see no obligation on Israel’s part to supply people who are determined to destroy Israel and murder all the Jews.

    A humanitarian disaster? And the problem is? The Arabs of Gaza voted for Hamas and consented to accept Hamas as the government there. Hamas and the Palestinian Arabs are at war with Israel, by their own declarations and actions. They say they want war and act accordingly. If they want war let them have war.

  5. Ed Hausman says:

    The only gesture to Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas that I think is appropriate is inappropriate in polite conversation.

    Of course there is no peace process and of course we have never seen the enemy fulfill a single obligation under any agreement.

    We are marking time. We should practice by blockaging Hamas. Let nothing in to Gaza, not an electron, not a drop of water. When the day comes, drive tham all out of Eretz Yisrael, beginning with Judea and Samaria, and moving on to the Temple Mount.

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