The jury is in: Nobody reads Raimond

Wow. Hold onto your hats: I got an entire 30 referrers from that link by Raimondo last week–in six days. And this is from the man who said:

I see you’ve directed your readers, such as they are, to the Wikipedia version of the Entebbe incident

in a comment I did not approve. (I have no desire to give him a soapbox here; let him spew his poison on his own site.) I guess his readers, such as they are, either don’t click through, or, well, are “such as they are.”

Feel free, my blog buddies, to quote the number of referrers you get from me when I link a post of yours. How many of you can beat those numbers?

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4 Responses to The jury is in: Nobody reads Raimond

  1. Paul says:

    Meryl, I wish you would link to me . You have been on my blogrollfor a long time. :)

  2. Neil G says:

    Gee Meryl, I don’t know. If you’re talking about actual people you win.

    If you want to compare spambots, email harvesters and webstat link spammers I’ll go toe to toe with you any day.

    Bring it on.

  3. Ed Hausman says:

    Reading Raimond is like watching a cheap zombie horror movie. I avoid both unless someone links to him for my opinion. Which doesn’t take long …

  4. Jack says:

    The few times I have seen his writing I have been considerably underwhelmed.

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