Our enemies, the Saudis

Did you see this story? Our friends the Saudis are responsible for nearly half the jihadis attacking Americans in Iraq:

Nearly half of the foreign detainees held in Iraq are Saudi citizens, and lists of their names were given to Saudi officials during a recent visit by an Iraqi delegation, national security adviser Mouwaffak al-Rubaie said in remarks aired Monday.

Al-Rubaie’s comments to Al-Arabiya television were made during a three-day visit last week to Saudi Arabia in which he met senior officials, including Interior Minister Prince Nayef.

“The Iraqi government says that nearly half of the foreigners in Iraqi prisoners are from Saudi Arabia. Hundreds of them are in Camp Bucca and other prisons controlled by coalition forces,” al-Rubaie said. He did not give a total figure of Saudi detainees.

But it gets worse. Hot Air quotes the LA Times:

With its own border with Iraq largely closed, Saudi fighters take what is now an established route by bus or plane to Syria, where they meet handlers who help them cross into Iraq’s western deserts, the senior U.S. military officer said.

He suggested it was here that Saudi Arabia could do more, by implementing rigorous travel screenings for young Saudi males. Iraqi officials agreed.

“Are the Saudis using all means possible? Of course not…. And we think they need to do more, as does Syria, as does Iran, as does Jordan,” the senior officer said. An estimated 60 to 80 foreign fighters cross into Iraq each month, according to the U.S. military…

U.S. officials remain sensitive about the relationship. Asked why U.S. officials in Iraq had not publicly criticized Saudi Arabia the way they had Iran or Syria, the senior military officer said, “Ask the State Department. This is a political juggernaut.”

Our friends the Saudis. Home of 15 of the 19. Origin point for Osama bin Laden, and the place where Wahabbism started and is still running full-bore. Billions of Saudi dollars go to Wahabbi madrassahs the world over, and fund mosques and schools even here in America. The ruling family is best buds with the Bushes and, Jimmy Carter has gotten tons of Saudi funds. They even hired a PR firm after 9/11 to try to make Americans think they’re our friends. The campaign failed miserably. We may be many things, Americans, but we are not stupid.

Funny. You never see the kind of slams by the left against Saudi Arabia as you do against Israel, and yet, Saud Arabia can legitimately be blamed for much of the violence across the globe today—and their citizens who came to this country murdered thousands of Americans.

I wonder what the difference is? Oh, right. They’re not Jews.

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One Response to Our enemies, the Saudis

  1. Lefty says:

    But Israel offers so many more opportunitites to indulge in “Third World Chic” and wallow in post-colonial guilt!

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