Rudy! Rudy! Rudy!

I just wanted to give a shout-out to Rudy Guiliani.

Giuliani Would Be Acceptable Nominee to Nearly 3 in 4 Republicans
PRINCETON, NJ — Even though Rudy Giuliani’s views on some issues are out of step with most members of his party, nearly three quarters of Republicans say the former New York City mayor would be an acceptable presidential nominee to them, far more than say this about any other Republican candidate.

[…] Seventy-four percent of Republicans say Giuliani would be an acceptable GOP presidential nominee in 2008, easily the highest percentage among that field of candidates. The next tier of Republican contenders is acceptable to a smaller majority of Republicans, and includes former Tennessee Senator Fred Thompson (59%), Arizona Senator John McCain (57%), and former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney (53%).

And I would like to point out that Rudy is totally acceptable to this former Democrat voter who nevertheless always considered herself an independent.

I want Rudy in ’08. And that poll is really, really good news.

I think it’s time I actually started sending some money his way.

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8 Responses to Rudy! Rudy! Rudy!

  1. Dave Katz says:

    Rudy supporter here too….

  2. Robert says:

    I prefer Fred Thompson, but I could go for Rudy – as long as he wins!

    Prediction (you heard it here first!) GOP keeps the White House, gains the Senate back, Dems keep the House…

  3. I’m impressed.

    Most of the Democrat-friends I know would also support Giuliani.

    It will be interesting to see if all those Republicans polled will bother to vote in the primaries. Typically, only the most extreme members (of either party) vote in primaries, which invariably results in a general election where neither candidate is very good.

  4. Joel says:

    Spot on! Rudy puts NY, NJ, Pa., and Flordia in play. He is non delusional about our enemies and was a damn good mayor of NYC. Ed Koch went around asking “How’m I doing?” Rudy never asked that, he just did the job of fixing NYC.

  5. John M. says:

    I’m afraid I can’t agree with the general trend here. I don’t think being NYC mayor qualifes him to be a head of state, and many of his social views are just too out of step with mine. That being said, if it comes down to a choice between him and John Edwards or something, I may have to bite the bullet. Haven’t decided yet.

  6. Sabba Hillel says:

    Considering some of the statements by and actions of Queen Hillary and the other Dhimmicrat candidates, almost any one of the Republican candidates would seem to be preferred.

    It is a matter of choosing between the supporters of Hamastan or the United States.

  7. Ed Hausman says:

    Some of his social positions that don’t appeal to all conservatives may enable Democrats to vote for him.

    Look at the current mayor of NYC, a Democrat who ran as a Republican who has come out as a Democrat again — big surprise.

    Most NY State Republicans look a lot like Democrats.

  8. Robert says:

    I support Rudy as well. I have supported him for months now. Fred would be my second choice.

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