When Hamas talks…

So Hamas says it’s willing to talk to Tony Blair. Ehud Olmert says that if he talks to Hamas, he can talk to Olmert’s hand. Hamas also claims to have stopped an attack on IDF forces. (Yeah, and I have this bridge in Brooklyn, been in my family for years, and you can have it dirt cheap, really!) I believe the word used was “unacceptable.” Or, the more diplomatic version:

If Blair was to ever contemplate meeting with officials from Hamas, Prime Minister Olmert’s spokeswoman said on Sunday: “We would state very clearly that there can be no compromise with Hamas.”

Now Hamas says they’re willing to talk to Jimmy Carter. The quesiton is: Is there no organization so evil that Jimmy Carter won’t work with it, and no human being on earth that he won’t talk to (except for Alan Dershowitz)? Oh, c’mon. We all know the answer to that. Carter will be glad to talk to Hamas. He’s already called them the democratically-elected government of the Palestinians.

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One Response to When Hamas talks…

  1. Eric J says:

    At least with Hamas, you don’t have to drag out the old, “How do you know when they’re lying? Their lips are moving.” joke, because they don’t actually lie that much.

    Perhaps, “How do you know Hamas wants to kill you? Their lips are moving.”

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