“Crude, homemade rocket” nearly kills infant

A mother’s quick thinking saved the life of her baby. Not that you could find this in the mainstream media. It was full of more important news, like the deaths of four terrorists in the act of trying to kill Israelis. Rockets landing on Israeli homes for the second day in a row? Not important.

A Qassam rocket was launched Monday from the Gaza Strip and directly hit a house in Kibbutz Karmiah in the western Negev, penetrating through the roof before exploding in an 8-mont-old baby girl’s bedroom.

When the “Color Red” warning sounded, the mother took the girl from her crib and ran with her to a safer part of the house, since there are no reinforced “safe rooms” in the kibbutz.

Three of the family members- the grandmother, the mother, and the baby -were taken to the hospital for medical assistance.

Cribs and homes destroyed by random rocket fire from Hamas-occupied Gaza? No big deal.

And if Israel should send in soldiers to find the terrorist launching the rockets? Suddenly, the world media has headlines screaming “Israelis Kill 4 Palestinians in Gaza.”

Because that’s the important angle in this story. Israeli civilian casualties? Who cares, when you can post a picture of the damage a rocket caused in Gaza. Because that’s the more important angle, clearly. No matter that a baby was nearly murdered in her crib. Hey, the “crude, homemade rocket” missed, didn’t it? Didn’t it?


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