Hezbollah good news/bad news

The good news is they haven’t managed to penetrate as many Fatah cells as they’d like. The bad news is they’ve restored their long-range missile capability. Yeah, that arms embargo and the UNIFIL troops have proven so effective, it makes me want to get UNIFIL here to police our border with Mexico.

Hezbollah has restored its military capabilities, particularly its long-range missile arsenal, nearly a year following the Second Lebanon War, senior Israeli security sources confirmed Monday.

On the other hand, Hezbollah’s influence on Fatah’s Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades has been checked in recent months, Palestinian security sources said Monday.

According to Palestinian security sources, Hezbollah has not ceased its efforts to penetrate Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades cells, but its ability to do so has been seriously curtailed.

The sources pointed to a number of reasons Hezbollah is finding it difficult to penetrate the organization and gain control of its members in order to carry out terrorist activities on its behalf against Israel.

Israel’s security forces have primarily succeeded in killing or arresting many of the cells that had been under Hezbollah control, mostly in the area of Nablus and northern West Bank.

Also, the flow of cash from Hezbollah to West Bank militants who carry out attacks, has been contained. The Palestinian Authority has also made an effort to convince many of the militants not to accept funding from foreign sources.

Palestinian security sources also insist that contact between Hezbollah and the West Bank has been weakened. They say this is due to a breakdown in cooperation with Palestinians in Lebanon who collaborate with the Shi’ite group and international jihadist elements based there.

Gee, I wonder if the current destruction of Palestinians in Lebanese “refugee” camps had anything to do with that last.

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