AP passes along Hezb propaganda

The AP is joining the New York Times, the Washington Post, and the LA Times with this piece of garbage, and the New York Times-owned International Herald Tribune was only too happy to pass it along:

BEIRUT, Lebanon: Militant Hezbollah leader Sheik Hassan Nasrallah suggested Tuesday that Israel may be behind two recent bomb attacks that targeted United Nations peacekeepers in southern Lebanon.

[…] No group has claimed responsibility for the attacks. But in a videotape earlier this month, al-Qaida’s deputy leader Ayman al-Zawahri blessed the attack against the Spanish contingent, fueling speculation that it was carried out by al-Qaida-linked militants.

In an interview Tuesday on the pan-Arab Al-Jazeera television, Nasrallah said that while it was possible that al-Qaida or other extremist groups were behind the attacks, Israel could also be the culprit.

“Why not Israel?” Nasrallah said, adding that “Israel has an interest in attacking UNIFIL with the aim of transforming the force into a multinational force under Chapter 7.”

He was referring to a section of the U.N. Charter that empowers a U.N. force to suppress threats to international peace and security — reflecting what could be his perception that Israel hopes to see U.N. troops actively moving against Hezbollah guerrillas in the future.

He also suggested Israel may want UNIFIL out of Lebanon, in case of another Israel-Hezbollah war.

Thanks, AP and the New York Times Company, for our anti-Israel media hit piece of the week!

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4 Responses to AP passes along Hezb propaganda

  1. Uri says:

    Haven’t you got used to it by now?

  2. Staggering to contemplate that there are human beings that actually believe what they read in the left wing propaganda rags.

  3. John M. says:

    I feel like I need to be kept thoroughly appraised of the “suggestions” of terrorist leaders. Especially when based on wild speculatiion rather than facts.

  4. Herschel says:

    And how many Jews in NY still subscribe to this almost bankrupt newspapers trash?

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