Erekat says: Screw negotiations, we want a state

Saab Erekat, the highest-up of the Palestinian spokesliars, told Tony Blair that he’s not interested in negotiations. He wants a state.

Chief Palestinian negotiator Dr Saeb Erekat said the meeting dealt with the need to establish a Palestinian state.

“We made it clear that we are no longer interested in talks, declarations or even initiatives. We are interested in the creation of mechanisms in order to implement all the ideas for the establishment of a Palestinian state.”

“The economic issue and the building of institutions are part of the overall diplomatic issue, and therefore one must not distinguish between the economic situation and the affects of issues such as the building of the fence and the settlements on the economic situation.

“What is needed, therefore, is a mechanism for the implementation of all the ideas as one in order to reach the goal, which is ending the occupation and establishing an independent Palestinian state in the 1967 borders.”

Economic issues? Like the one in Gaza, where Palestinians destroyed most of the greenhouses left when the Israelis were forced out two years ago? Where Palestinian terrorism keeps the crossings closed so that Palestinian goods can’t go out and Israeli goods can’t go in? Or the lack of work caused by Palestinian workers shooting their bosses during the intifada called by Arafat in 2000 resulting in Israel importing new laborers? You mean the economic issues caused by the corruption and graft of the Palestinian Authority, of which Erekat is a member, resulting in Yasser Arafat becoming a billionaire? Those economic issues are all going to be solved when there is a Palestinian state next to Israel?

Somehow, I think not.

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4 Responses to Erekat says: Screw negotiations, we want a state

  1. John M. says:

    “Spokesliars”. Cool word. I’ll have to remember that. You could do that with and “-man” word. Like Ombudsheep. Or Chairweenie.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Erekat was diplomatically vague (i.e., bullshitting). In whose 1967 borders does he want a state? HINT: It isn’t the PRC.


  3. Robert says:

    Question – if they get a state, does that mean that if a single rocket is fired and Israel declares war..they can lose that state? Just checking

  4. Ed Hausman says:

    Arrest him. Assemble a dossier on thefts of money granted to the Palestinians. Turn him and the dossier over to Hamas.

    After Hamas tries and executes him for theft and fraud, accuse them of collaborating with Israel in destroying this loyal son of Palestine!

    How can you tell when a politician is lying? Riiight, his lips are moving …

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