Monthly Archives: July 2007

Yes, the site was down for the last 30 hours

No, I have no more news at this time. The server is still extremely slow. Trying to back up files in case the server blows up again.

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Yes, the site was down for the last 30 hours

No, I have no more news at this time. The server is still extremely slow. Trying to back up files in case the server blows up again.

Posted in Site news | 3 Comments

Reuters enters the realm of self-parody

You simply can’t make this stuff up. GAZA (Reuters) – Israel killed four Palestinian gunmen in the Gaza Strip on Sunday, two in a ground assault and two in an air strike against militants launching rockets at the Jewish state, … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Media Bias | 1 Comment

Israeli Double Standard Time, again

Imagine, if you will, that the Israeli border police fired on Sudanese refugees sneaking across the border from Egypt. Now imagine what would happen if they killed a woman and critically injured four others, including women and children. Now imagine … Continue reading

Posted in Israeli Double Standard Time | 2 Comments

J.K. Rowling reads from The Deathly Hallows

For Harry Potter fans, here’s a video of the author reading the first chapter of The Deathly Hallows. She’s a good reader. Authors used to read their books as a matter of course in the days when authors went on … Continue reading

Posted in The Catmage Chronicles | 3 Comments

The upcoming Mideast war

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad took a trip to Syria and met up with the local bad boys, promising death and destruction for Israel in America in, of course, vaguely-worded terms that the Juan Coles of the world will use to say he … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel, Syria | 1 Comment

Hide and seek with UNIFIL

One of the successes of the Second Lebanon War that Olmert points to is the fact that Hezbollah said no to international peacekeeping forces in Lebanon, and they were sent anyway. How successful has this big success been in disarming … Continue reading

Posted in Lebanon | 1 Comment

A five word review of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows:

Really brutal, but worth it. Between that and the second season of Battlestar Galactica, Saturday was a no-posting day. Sleep would be nice now.

Posted in The Catmage Chronicles | 1 Comment

Kitties in purple

Last week, I heard the usual rustling of tissue paper on the sofa and glanced over to see Gracie in her nest. But it wasn’t Gracie. It was Tig. So of course, I grabbed the camera. And remarked on what … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | 2 Comments

World notices that observant Jews are religious, jeers at them

This one is such a tempest in a teapot, and yet, the Google News count is 123 stories and growing. (Oh, and by the way, fuck you, Gawker, and your “we’re so cool that anti-Semitic jokes aren’t anti-Semitic” attitude.) Some … Continue reading

Posted in Media Bias, Religion | 10 Comments

Friday faux peace protests injuries continue

I haven’t written about them in ages, but yes, if it’s Friday, this must be Bilin. An Israeli photographer and two Palestinian protesters were wounded Friday in scuffles with security forces during a demonstration against the security fence near the … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 1 Comment

Rudy! Rudy! Rudy!

I just wanted to give a shout-out to Rudy Guiliani. Giuliani Would Be Acceptable Nominee to Nearly 3 in 4 Republicans PRINCETON, NJ — Even though Rudy Giuliani’s views on some issues are out of step with most members of … Continue reading

Posted in Politics | 8 Comments

The Elders, their backers, and your privacy

Hey, did you know the new Elders have a website? And that on that website, you can find some really nifty information. For instance, one of their backers is the Bridgeway Foundation. Check out the Bridgeway Foundation’s requirement for their … Continue reading

Posted in Juvenile Scorn, World | 6 Comments

Colin Powell: Talk to terrorists, Israel

Colin Powell proves that it’s a good thing he’s not running the show any more. He thinks it’s okay to deal with Hamas, in spite of the fact that Hamas reiterates at every opportunity its wish to destroy Israel. Former … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas | 4 Comments

97 degrees in the shade

Tig went out for all of fifteen minutes. He headed straight for the water dish when he got inside, and I expect he’s going to stay indoors until the heat breaks. The Magical Maine Coon Cat Coat doesn’t work in … Continue reading

Posted in Cats, Life | 1 Comment