Monthly Archives: July 2007

AP media bias in action

You know how I keep telling you that the media never acknowledges the deaths of Israelis the way it leaps onto the deaths of Palestinians? Well, take a look at this headline. Notice how the death is reported. Israeli Soldier … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Israel | 6 Comments

Lolcat candidates

I have three pictures that are crying out to be lolcatted, but I’m not feeling particularly inspired. The middle Gracie picture is Gracie leaping up in fear as an ant crawls up her hind leg. Yes, really. Gracie truly is … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | 3 Comments

Harry Potter movie

I went to see Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix with my niece and her mom tonight, as Sorena is going to Interlochen this weekend for three weeks, and wasn’t sure if she’d be able to see it … Continue reading

Posted in Movies | 2 Comments

UN Golan commander: It’s Israel that is the problem

Ynet published an interview with the commander of the UN peacekeeping force in the Golan Heights. And he’s figured out what the real problem is. It’s Israel. The breathtaking unwillingness of this UN “peacekeeper” to actually see what is right … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 4 Comments

The Fountain

Did anyone else see the Darren Aronofsky film The Fountain? Yeah? Did you get it? Me neither. On the other hand, I’m going to buy another Clint Mansell soundtrack. Damn, he’s good.

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Ew! Anti-Semite cooties!

I got a link from Justin Raimondo, the Jew-hating brains behind the site I will never link. After I shook off the extreme disgust, I decided to edit the post in question for people curious enough to click the link. … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism | 5 Comments

The Red Mosque

Why is it that every time I hear the name “The Red Mosque” (for that jihadi mosque in Pakistan) all I can really think of is “The Mosque of the Red Death?” They never should have shown us that movie … Continue reading

Posted in Movies, Terrorism | Comments Off on The Red Mosque

Haveil Havalim

Hey, it’s got a new host! Go on over and give Malachi a look-see. Because anyone who presents himself as “a radically amazed eccentric dreamer, vegan eco-kashruter, neo-hasidic hippie and wannabe mystic” totally deserves at least a look around. (I … Continue reading

Posted in Jews, Linkfests | Comments Off on Haveil Havalim

Lies, damned lies, and blaming Israel

The Gaza crossings are all closed. A few days ago, the head of the UNRWA operations in the Gaza Strip told the Jerusalem Post that it’s Hamas’ fault because they refuse to guarantee the safety of Israelis who deliver food … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israeli Double Standard Time, Media Bias | 4 Comments

Random Hulk thought

I was thinking. Today is a good day for a blogwar. Gee, I hope one of my old playmates decides to do something stupid.

Posted in Meanderings | Comments Off on Random Hulk thought

SNN: Now, with Deborah Lipstadt

This week’s interview is a great catch: Professor and author Deborah Lipstadt, the woman who beat Jew-hater and Holocaust denier David Irving’s libel case in British courts. I haven’t heard the rest, but hey, we rock, so I’m sure it’s … Continue reading

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Hamas: Let them eat nothing

Hamas would rather see Palestinians starve than eat Israeli food. Sixty trucks full of fresh produce bound for Gaza markets made their way to southern Gaza’s Kerem Shalom Crossing during the early morning hours, following an assurance by the Hamas … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Jew Cooties | 4 Comments

Syria ramps up for war

Syria is getting closer and closer to attacking both Israel and Lebanon, it appears. Michael Totten reports that Syria invaded Lebanon two days ago. The world has not reacted. Syria has also recalled its citizens from Lebanon. Lebanese sources told … Continue reading

Posted in Israeli Double Standard Time, Syria | 1 Comment

British unions continue delegitimizing Israel

The delegitimization of Israel in Britain pushes on, led by the labor unions that seem to think only Israel, of all the nations of the world, deserves to be singled out and boycotted for its policies. Not Sudan. Not Iran. … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Israel Derangement Syndrome | 3 Comments

Notable comments on Comment Is Free

Usually, the comments on anti-Israel articles on CiF are disgustingly anti-Semitic, and overwhelmingly so. But a representative of the despicable Hizb ut-Tahrir, the organization that “peacefully” calls for a worldwide Islamic caliphate, spreads his lies on the Guardian and gets … Continue reading

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