Monthly Archives: July 2007

UN recognizes that it’s terrorism keeping the crossings closed

UNRWA is finally waking up to the terrorism that is the Palestinians. Not that they’re calling it terrorism, of course. But they’re finally starting to place the blame for the closure of Gaza where it belongs: On Hamas and its … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas | 2 Comments

Israel prepares for war

Reuters has a fairly unbiased look at the changes the IDF has made in the past year. A year after suffering surprise setbacks against Lebanese Hezbollah guerrillas, Israel’s armed forces are poised once more for a major conventional war. Tens … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 15 Comments

Another day, another example of IDST

Five more rockets hit Israel today. Five Qassam rockets were launched from the northern Gaza Strip towards Israel early Sunday morning. Four of the rockets landed in open fields, and the fifth landed close to Sapir Academic College near Sderot. … Continue reading

Posted in Israeli Double Standard Time, Media Bias | 4 Comments

Iranians look like total schmucks

This is absolutely precious. In an attempt to smear the U.S., an Iranian editor used a picture of Avigdor Lieberman as a “Muslim” being discriminated against by the U.S. Is Avigdor Lieberman a “good Muslim”? An Iranian newspaper apparently thought … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Juvenile Scorn | 2 Comments

The Jews of baseball

Cleaning out the emailbox gives you time for lots of Saturday links that you didn’t get around to putting up when you got them. It’s the The Chosen Team, or, the team of baseball’s best Jewish players. Go forth and … Continue reading

Posted in Jews | 5 Comments

Saturday silly

What really happens when you move your mouse. Hint: Make sure you move your mouse around the center of the screen. HT: My pal Gerard. More from Gerard: Great commercials. 1) Shadow Plays. 2) 250,000 bouncy balls in San Francisco. … Continue reading

Posted in Humor | Comments Off on Saturday silly

Muslim ERA Watch: AP buys Iran BS

The AP ran a nice little fluff piece about how the Mad Mullah might accept some moves forward for women in Iran. Of course it’s all crap, but the AP never lets the facts get in the way of pretending … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Feminism, Iran | 1 Comment

Democratically-elected govt. fires rockets at Israel

Say, that organization that Jimmy Carter says Israel should deal with because it’s the democratically-elected government of the Palestinians? They just fired rockets at Israeli civilians. Hamas claimed responsibility Friday for firing two Qassam rockets at Israel from the Gaza … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israel | 3 Comments

The “archy” that is Gaza

It’s no longer anarchy. It’s archy. No, really, Hamas has restored order and justice. About 30 armed men from a Hamas-led security force entered Gaza City’s Al-Azhar University on Saturday and seized 80 bags with chemicals from the agriculture college, … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas | 1 Comment

It just gets better and better

Last night, around midnight, once again I heard fireworks in front of my apartment. Once again some morons were lighting off fireworks in the parking lot. This time, I opened the door and shouted, “How is that safe? There are … Continue reading

Posted in Life | 4 Comments

The perils of working from home, II

You really need to be in a quiet home if you’re going to work from home. You can’t be in a 30-year-old townhouse with crappy soundproofing between units. On the one side, we have this year’s Teen House, where Daddy … Continue reading

Posted in Life | 1 Comment

AP notices there is compulsion under Islam

“There is no compulsion under Islam” is one of the lies we’ve been told about the religion. Seems like the AP is only just noticing that sometimes, there is. A Muslim-born woman who was forced to spend six months in … Continue reading

Posted in Religion | 3 Comments

Hamas builds its army as Olmert fiddles

Something tells me that there’s going to be a two- or three-front war this summer. For instance, the depots contained standard antitank Sager rockets and outdated anti-aircraft Strela missiles that could be used against Israeli planes. Hamas also got hold … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel | 2 Comments

LOL Tig and Gracie

Ilyka said that Tig was simply ripe for LOLification, and she’s right. But I found one for Gracie, too. Do you like her pretty new purple paper? It was a gift from me to Jake (okay, it came inside his … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | 4 Comments

Hamas brings order to Gaza. Gunfire required.

This is what Hamas calls “order” and “justice.” Palestinian civil servants said they came under gunfire from a Hamas-led force as they tried to report for work on Thursday, which Hamas has decreed a day off. Dozens of employees arrived … Continue reading

Posted in Girl Talk, Hamas | 2 Comments