Batsh*t crazy, again

It doesn’t matter where you turn, Arabs simply refuse to acknowledge the sins of their people when it comes to terrorism. Here we have an Arab Israeli man claiming that not only did his son not steal a gun from a security guard and use it to try to murder Israelis, but when confronted with incontrovertible video evidence, he says that the evidence is a fake.

Surveillance tapes showing Ahmad Khatib grabbing a weapon from a security guard and firing it repeatedly during a pursuit in Jerusalem’s Old City last Friday were doctored by the police, said father Mahmoud Khatib during a Sunday memorial service for his son.

Ahmad Khatib, according to videotapes, seized a gun from a guard of the Ateret Kohanim yeshiva and fired it repeatedly before being shot down by the security guard chasing him. But many of the shooter’s friends and family have asserted his innocence, some saying that the incident was a complete fabrication.

And who, pray tell, would be behind this fake video?

According to Mahmoud Khatib, it is significant that the incident took place next to the Ateret Kohanim yeshiva which he said is housed by “extreme people who try to take over Muslim Jerusalem by buying houses.”

Wow. “Extreme” Jews are taking over Muslim Jerusalem by the horrible act of buying houses legally! Oh. My. God. Quick, call the UN! And of course, there is the inevitable call for “justice.” Because it isn’t justice, you see, if the proof shows his son perpetrating a terror attack.

The shooter’s father claimed that the investigation into the incident was not conducted in a proper and unbiased manner, and demanded a new investigation headed by a neutral source. “I am only looking for justice,” he said.

What would be a proper and unbiased manner? What “neutral” source? Gee, let me think… Nope. Can’t get a better one than the Israeli police. The Shin Bet is taking over the investigation. Look for more whines of bias.

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2 Responses to Batsh*t crazy, again

  1. Robert says:

    LGF has the video up. The guy is guilty as hell.

  2. Robert says:

    That’s kind of a normal reaction to the death of an offspring, though, isn’t it? We see it here in this country whenever someone is killed by the cops. “Yeah, I know he was high on coke, had a bag of money, was holding the money from the liquor store, had the gun in his hand that the clerk was shot with, and took a few shots at the police, but he was a good boy – he would never do anything wrong!”


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