Home again

After a fun-filled weekend at Chris and Janet’s in an undisclosed location in Northern VA, I am home, rather tired, and looking around at the housecleaning that will be postponed another day or two (at least).

It was a beautiful day yesterday, so we took the top off the Jeep and drove out to Leesburg, where I did not say a discouraging word in spite of the fact that there was a [eyeroll, please] channeling class going on in the New Age shop where we visited a mutual friend. The most negative thing I said was that if I’d found that shop twenty years earlier, I probably would have spent a couple hundred dollars for various dragony, glass-orb, and other fantasy objects, while still rolling my eyes at all the [kaff] supplies for witches and warlocks. One thing I did not take a picture of, or even comment on, was a sign saying “Black Salt–anti Jinx!” on plastic bags of, yes, black salt.

Boggles my mind that people actually believe this stuff.

I’m telling you, if I were less honest, I’d be a gazillionaire by now, because I would have started a religion that would make the scientologists look like pikers, and I’d have done it without the blackmail and the threats and the copyrighted materials and the killing people from neglect.

You don’t need to hurt people to screw them out of their money. You only need to give them a reason they find, well, reasonable.

People are starving for answers. Maybe I should start charging for them.

In any case. We had a lovely weekend, and I’m going to eat dinner made up of food I bought at Wegman’s yesterday, one of the places we stopped.

Oh. And go see the Simpsons Movie. If you like the Simpsons, or ever liked the Simpsons, or think you might like the Simpsons, you will love this movie. It is very, very funny (funnier if you’re a Simpsons fan). And stay for the credits. All of them.

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5 Responses to Home again

  1. plum says:

    You are not the first to have these thoughts. Recently there has been a movement in Salem (MA) on the part of the self-identified psychic/wiccan/etc. community to require the city to licencse the aformentioned. The city is in a quandry as to how to “test” the skills of the potential licensees. You can’t make this stuff up.

  2. Eric J says:

    Meryl, Check out Guruphiliac some time. Us Westerners are pure amateurs at this game compared to the Indians.

  3. mrfred says:

    which Weggies, Dulles or Fairfax?

  4. mrfred, that’d be telling.

    But I’ve been to both.

  5. Robert says:

    People are looking for answers? Odd, from my observations over my lifetime, people are studiously trying to avoid finding answers…


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