
Finally figured out a good one.

Kitteh Zonday

Keep an eye out for Tig on I Can Has Cheezburger, and go vote for him if he shows up.

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2 Responses to lolTig

  1. John M says:

    Tig is cute, but honestly that big gaping maw kind of wigs me out. Living with carnivorous predators in one’s house is stressful enough. They look at you and you just know they’re thinking “If size were reversed, you’d look pretty tasty”.

  2. Yes, but John, the size isn’t reversed, and nobody’s been able to breed housecats to the size they’ve been able to breed dogs.

    Which is a good thing. If we had domestic cats the size of Great Danes, well, let me just say that I’d never own one.

    I don’t like my friend’s Dane. It’s too big. There’s no need to have a pet that big.

    Tig is about as big as I want my cats to be.

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