The Michael Vick t-shirt contest

Okay, I’ve figured out what I think I would like to get printed up if I decide to go to the courthouse and tell Michael Vick how much I think he sucks:

“Give Michael Vick the same justice he gave his dogs.”

What do you think?

So where do I find out what time he shows up downtown? It’s a 20 minute drive for me, and I am really, really, really thinking about going. This guy is a total slimeball, and he thinks that he deserves to go back to football after he serves his year or 18 months. I think he needs to be banned for life. I hope to God that the Commonwealth of Virginia throws state charges at him on top of the federal charges. Just read this WaPo article and tell me he doesn’t deserve at least five years. Maybe ten.

And it isn’t just dogs they kill. They use cats and kittens and small dogs and guinea pigs while training their dogs. I read recently that someone dropped off something like 60 kittens at a North Carolina animal shelter, most probably for use in dogfighting. The good news is the bastards are running scared. The better news would be that the major breeders and ringleaders were all shut down.

Vick’s friends testified that Vick himself killed—brutally—several dogs that were no longer “of use” to him. And on cue, the NAACP comes along to call Vick’s case “persecution.” This guy is a freaking moron.

“In some instances, I believe Michael Vick has received more negative press than if he would’ve killed a human being,” White said. “The way he is being persecuted, he wouldn’t have been persecuted that much had he killed somebody.”

[…] White also said he didn’t understand the uproar over dogfighting, when hunting deer and other animals is perfectly acceptable.

Yeah, they’re practically interchangeable. There’s no difference between training dogs to kill one another and hunting a deer. None at all. There’s no difference between Michael Vick pouring water all over a dog and then electrocuting it, and some hunter shooting a deer dead with a gun. None of that matters, though. For this freak, it’s all about the football.

“As a society, we should aid in his rehabilitation and welcome a new Michael Vick back into the community without a permanent loss of his career in football,” said R.L. White, president of the group’s Atlanta chapter. “We further ask the NFL, Falcons, and the sponsors not to permanently ban Mr. Vick from his ability to bring hours of enjoyment to fans all over this country.”

White said the Falcons quarterback made a mistake and should be allowed to prove he has learned from that mistake.

Bullshit. When you forget to pay your bills on time, that’s a mistake. When you lock your keys inside your car, that’s a mistake. When you purchase a house and set up a kennel for the sole purpose of watching dogs tear each other apart, that’s not “a mistake.” Vick didn’t accidentally fund and build the kennel, and then accidentally set up the dogfights, and then accidentally kill the dogs that weren’t of any use to him. None of those were mistakes, except in the context that lawbreaking and cruelty to animals are not the right things to do.

The cult of victimology strikes again. Watch for this guy to play the race card if Vick gets state charges added to his federal sentence.

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14 Responses to The Michael Vick t-shirt contest

  1. Mac says:

    The nature of the NFL is such that while he might get another chance to play, it won’t be with the Falcons. They’ll have to release him to save money under the salary cap. Moral judgments? Nah. Money, that’s the key.


  3. Houston says:


    I am right on board with you. This is a LONG way from a mistake. What makes it even more detestable is Mr. White’s (irony alert) statement about hunting.

    While I am not a hunter, every hunter I know eats what he kills. Also when they kill animals, they do not TORTURE them for their entertainment.

    I wonder how many of those dogs Vick has eaten?

    BTW. Why is the NAACP standing up for Vick? He is hardly someone who is defenseless and being persecuted.

  4. Give him to PeTA. Maybe they’ll treat him the way they treat stray dogs (lethal injection in an unmarked van, then tossed in a dumpster…)

  5. Rahel says:

    I would like to see him sent to Saudi Arabia with a bunch of Bibles in his luggage. Then he might learn something about what it means to be at the mercy of people who have none.

  6. chsw says:

    Vick could be fed to his dogs. Well, that would be a little much. We don’t kill those who murder human beings, and human beings are big steps above dogs (and cats) in God’s creation.

    I liked the promo the St. Paul Saints gave away – a Vick dog chew toy, complete with jersey.


  7. Robert says:

    Odd, every day in America we kill literally millions of cows, pigs, goats, sheep, etc, without so much as a notice. 50 years ago, the attitude would have been “there his dogs, who cares?” not only among the general public, but legally also. I’m sorry, but with all of the things going on in the world today, Iraq, Sudan, Islamic terrorism, the high crime rate, record foreclosures, I don’t see a big story here. Other than one more indication that the police state liberals are one step closer to their goal of socialism in America.


  8. HT says:

    Robert’s comment notwithstanding, this is not a liberal vs. conservative issue. I personally know of no conservatives (myself obviously included) who would let some theoretical argument about property rights or personal liberty get in the way of preventing cruelty to animals.

    And as far as the “we’ve got bigger fish to fry” argument, all I can say is that somehow I manage to take time away from my busy schedule of fighting the war on terror, preventing foreclosures against widows and orphans, and combating crime to feel a little compassion for man’s best friend and other animal chums. I guess it’s that bandwidth upgrade I got a while ago…

  9. Herschel says:

    Missing from this debate is that dog fighting is sadistic! I am concerned about the low lifes that participate in these events either as owners or as gamblers. How deranged are you if you enjoy watching animals viciously tearing each other apart? And how long before these sadists start picking on people?

    And Robert, it is not socialism to prevent cruelty to animals, this is stoping sadistic evil and making these bastards pay for their actions!

    I also predict that Vick will never play for the NFL again, no team owner will risk the negative exposure that signing this pervert will create.

  10. Sarah G. says:

    Here’s a slogan

    Real Men Don’t need to Have Dog Fights

  11. Robert says:

    I’ll bet real money that Vick will play football again. BTW, these dogs we’re talking about here aren’t family pets, they’re bred and trained to fight, and they’re far too dangerous to be considered “cuddly,” or even “man’s best friends and chums.” BTW, the 50 dogs that were taken into custody? They’ll be “put down.” “Humanely” of course.

    Maybe, considering the number of real live human beings that get hurt and killed playing a certain very popular game, called football, we should ban that, too? After all, children as young as 8, high schoolers, college age, and professionals are often killed or injured beyond possiblity of recovery playing such a violent “sport.”

    Personally, I would never go see a dog fight, but perhaps we should be a little more tolerant of the culture that does support it?

    BTW, for those of you that haven’t figured it out yet, I’m playing “devil’s advocate” here in order to provoke the thought that perhaps political correctness run amuk has caused us to get into a complete uproar over something as silly as dog fighting and not showing hardly any concern whatsoever about daily rocket attacks on innocent people.


  12. Houston says:

    Not even worth the time to respond to.

  13. alkat says:

    Agreed. Looks like the devil’s advocate could stand to brush up on his critical thinking skills. . .

  14. David Taylor says:

    I love cats and dogs. I think God allowed us to domesticate them for our comfort and companionship. I enjoy seeing the dogs brought into nursing homes to bring pleasure and comfort to the residents. The vindictive, “eye for an eye” side of me wants to see Michael Vick tied naked to a pole with Alpo rubbed all over him and then let his dogs loose on him. The Christian, realistic side of me wants him prosecuted and punished for his numerous crimes. I hope he is banned from the NFL for life. He should not be able to snub justice by rebounding with multi-million dollar contracts. I hope he is forced to suspend construction of his million dollar home on the Nansemond River in Suffolk, VA. Foreclosure would be justice. After his jail sentence, he should be forced into 10,400 hours (5 years) of public service cleaning dog runs at Humane Society and SPCA locations around the country.

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