Che Guevara: Not a Jew

This rumor went flying around the Internet months ago, and I gave it short shrift, because it sounded like a load of crap to me. Turns out that’s exactly what it is, and Snoopy’s got the scoop.

The Jew-haters in the world will do anything to defame us. It’s bad enough we have to claim Noam Chomsky and Norm Finkelstein. Don’t throw the rest of the left’s garbage our way, please.

Hearts all over the leftosphere that were breaking, however, over the possibility that Che was a [gasp!] Jew can now rest easy. He was not.

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7 Responses to Che Guevara: Not a Jew

  1. Janet says:

    I heard that one too (gasp!) thanks for the update.

  2. Michael Lonie says:

    What a relief. Bad enough that the arrogant, deracinated fool Trotsky was Jewish, but to have this psychopathic murderer as part of the tribe would be too much.

  3. Paul says:

    I heard it too Meryl. Thank you for the heads up !

  4. Sabba Hillel says:

    I thought that the whole thing was a spoof. It would be like taking an article in the Onion seriously.

  5. Mike @ says:

    Funny how quickly it was dismissed as “Zionist propaganda” by the leftist press… they seem to think the Jewish people don’t deserve to have Che on their ancestry…. Morons.

  6. Robert says:

    Some of you may not have noticed, the the left wing loonies (But I repeat myself…) have started attacking Einstein because of his involvement with the development of atomic weapons.


  7. Michael Lonie says:

    Einstein himslef did not do much work to develop nuclear weapons, just sort of encouraged the US government to do so. I’m more surprised they haven’t taken him to task for his support of Zionism.

    Curiously enough both the Nazis and the Communists were hostile to Einstein’s theories, and scientists in both Germany and Russia had to spend time convincing morons that “Jewish Physics” or “The Triumph of Mechanism” (capitalist physics) were nothing of the kind and were necessary if nuclear bombs were going to be produced. I wonder if Iranian physicists have to explain to Ayatollahs that E really does equal M times Csquared, even if the Qur’an does not say so.

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