Monthly Archives: August 2007

HD vs. regular DVD

Okay, folks. I do not own an HDTV. I intend to own an HDTV next year. In fact, I am adding several thousand dollars to the cost of my condo/townhome for the HD widescreen home theater system that I intend … Continue reading

Posted in Television | 7 Comments

Israeli Sudanese policy that won’t get wide notice

Israel’s return of 48 Sudanese refugees got worldwide notice—because anything the media can spin negatively on Israel gets the widest airplay. Stories like this will not get a second glance outside the Israeli media. Seventy-six Sudanese refugees, ages four and … Continue reading

Posted in Israeli Double Standard Time | 3 Comments

Hamas’ justice: Torture

Watch for the Hamas Cheerleding Squad to utterly ignore these reports. By “Hamas Cheerleading Squad” I mean “People like Jimmy Carter,” and when they are asked about Hamas’ torture, will doubtless immediately fall into a spittle-flecked rant about Israel and … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas | 3 Comments

Hamas plots more terror

Hard on the heels of a foiled terror plot, Ynet reports that Hamas is gearing up for a major “heavy casualty” attack in Israel. Hamas may carry out a mega-terror attack, the Deputy Shin Bet Chief, known only as Y, … Continue reading

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Measuring an obsession

Roaming the CiF (The Guardian’s Comment is Free forum) jungle, I have stumbled on an interesting page – one that shows the frequency of main subjects broached on CiF. It is not clear what period of time is represented, but … Continue reading

Posted in Israel Derangement Syndrome | 2 Comments

CNN’s Jewish prejudice?

Funny. Christiane Amanpour’s moral equivalence-fest, the so-called “God’s Warriors” shows, were repeated both nights this weekend. And both times, the show that’s on first is “God’s Jewish Warriors.” It’s on at 9 p.m. Since it’s a two-hour show, next up, … Continue reading

Posted in Media Bias, Religion | 5 Comments

Haveil Havalim

Our weekly Carnival of the Jews is up, over at Soccer Dad’s.

Posted in Jews, Linkfests | Comments Off on Haveil Havalim


Got home after a long day out, and went searching for Gracie, who was in her new hidey-spot: The corner of the spare room, between two bookcases, where it’s very difficult for Tig to bully her. And because I have … Continue reading

Posted in Life, Music, Television | 3 Comments

That professional mainstream media

Aren’t you glad these guys are our news gatekeepers? Because they come up with headlines like this: Icky Algae Worries New England Fishermen STOCKBRIDGE, Vt. — It looks like a clump of soiled sheep’s wool, a cottony green or white … Continue reading

Posted in Media | 4 Comments

Crazy cats

I guess life is back to normal for my cats. Gracie is once again licking herself bare on the bottom part of her belly, where I was (sigh) so pleased to see the fur grow back after her operations. And … Continue reading

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One more media bias post

The AP picked up on the Palestinian “civilians” killed by Israel today (go read this post and you’ll get the snark to the scare quotes), and of course, focused on the 11-year-old boy who was caught in the crossfire. They … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Israel | 1 Comment

Friday night hilarious

That mainstream media we keep hearing about, the responsible ones with layers of editors and fact-checkers to make sure things don’t go wrong? Well, MSNBC was suckered by a news parody site. Twice. In the latest one, they thought they … Continue reading

Posted in Humor | 2 Comments

Four more “civilians” killed by IDF

Three more terrorist-slash-“civilians” were killed by the IDF today, as well as a boy who got caught in the crossfire when the IDF tried to arrest a relative of his and were fired on. Four Palestinians were killed Friday by … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, palestinian politics | 1 Comment

The UN and EU: All set for Durban II

The UN World Conference on Racism, held in Durban, South Africa, just prior to 9/11, went down in the annals of UN as one of the most infamous, hideously anti-Israel events, even by UN standards. Israel and the United States … Continue reading

Posted in Israel Derangement Syndrome, World | 5 Comments

Fifty things about me, part 5

Part one. Part two. Part three. Part four. Part six. 33. I like Jackie Chan movies. And some Jet Li movies, too. In fact, when I come across them late at night while channel-surfing, I have been known to actually … Continue reading

Posted in Life | 9 Comments