Monthly Archives: August 2007

It’s terrorist season

The JPost has an anaylsis of why we’ve seen so many successful attacks on terrorists in Gaza lately. Here’s a hint: Having an actual military man directing military operations seems to be a bit help. The recent escalation stems from … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel | 7 Comments

The Michael Vick t-shirt contest

Okay, I’ve figured out what I think I would like to get printed up if I decide to go to the courthouse and tell Michael Vick how much I think he sucks: “Give Michael Vick the same justice he gave … Continue reading

Posted in Cats, Miscellaneous | 14 Comments

Mahmoud Abbas, moderate, peacemaker, and LIAR

The so-called moderate, Mahmoud Abbas, with whom the Israelis are supposed to be moving forward towards final-status issues, issued a statement about the number of terrorists killed by the IDF yesterday: A spokesman for Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on Wednesday … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, palestinian politics | 3 Comments

Levels within levels to this story

One one level, it’s black humor: A crematorium was set on fire. (You mean a crematorium can be burned? Who knew?) On other levels, this is a story that just feels—wrong. A fire broke out Wednesday evening at a crematorium … Continue reading

Posted in Evil Meryl, Religion | Comments Off on Levels within levels to this story

Attention, finance geeks

Okay, now I’m starting to worry. Two subprime mortage lenders closed shop in the last week. Word is that it’s going to be harder to get a mortgage. And this is occurring just about the time I am finally going … Continue reading

Posted in Life | 16 Comments

Really evil thought about Hurricane Dean

President Bush offered Mexico help to Mexican areas devastated by Hurricane Dean. I suggest that there are huge numbers of Mexicans with the knowledge and skills needed to rebuild stricken areas. Just send ’em some of the illegals in the … Continue reading

Posted in Evil Meryl | 2 Comments

Shire Network News 100th episode!

This week we present our 100th episode of Shire Network News. To celebrate the occasion, Tom Paine, Brian of London, and I got together over the Internet (because we are all internet geeks) and talked about SNN, our participation, and … Continue reading

Posted in Podcasts | Comments Off on Shire Network News 100th episode!

The Moebius Man

I was hesitating for a while about the title for this post. How do you call a person who sees only one side of a multi-dimensional problem? One-trick pony? One-sided coin? Obsessed? Then I recalled what was shown to me … Continue reading

Posted in Israel Derangement Syndrome | 1 Comment

The narrative changes

Funny how over the last few days, the IDF scored more than a few hits on terrorists, and the media mostly ignored it—because the terrorists were effectively caught red-handed launching rockets at Israeli towns. There was no “poor, poor, pitiful … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Israeli Double Standard Time, Media Bias | 2 Comments

It isn’t raining rain you know, it’s raining rockets

Rockets continue to fall in Sderot. And the world media continues to ignore this fact. Ynet: Palestinians in north Gaza fired two Qassams toward Israel on Tuesday. One rocket struck a vacant Na’amat daycare center in the western Negev city … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Israel, Media Bias | 3 Comments

One dead, three dead, ten dead terrorists

You have to like these numbers. Six in one blow: A missile fired from an Israeli aircraft killed six Hamas operatives travelling in a car in central Gaza on Monday, Palestinian officials said. The military said they had been targeted … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Terrorism | 4 Comments

Got a Michael Vick jersey to get rid of?

People are finding good uses for them. The Atlanta Humane Society said they are receiving donations from across the country — and you’ll never guess what people are sending. More than a dozen Michael Vick jerseys have been sent to … Continue reading

Posted in Juvenile Scorn | 5 Comments

WordPress 3k

If you’ve been wondering how many posts I write per day, I have a math problem for you. Take the number of days in a year. Multiply that times two. Subtract 15. Now take that number and divide it into … Continue reading

Posted in Site news | Comments Off on WordPress 3k

Israel and the double standard

It’s funny when you compare the response to stories like this, where a Hamas children’s program demonstrates cruelty to animals while ostensibly teaching children not to be cruel to animals, with the response to stories about Israel refusing to accept … Continue reading

Posted in Israeli Double Standard Time, Media Bias, World | 9 Comments

This is a Zionist blog, take two

Every so often, some Israel-hating moron finds this blog via a search for something to do with Israel and Jews. The neo-Nazis come out from time to time as well. There are a legion of David Duke defenders out there … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Site news | 19 Comments